View Full Version : Blackberry fell in puddle of water!!! help!

05-01-2008, 10:15 PM
ok well my bb like 2 hours ago fell in a puddle of water i have the 8310. it fell literally for a second or two. i was so suprised it still turned right on after but the middle scroll wasnt working but almost all the other keys were working and i could make a and receive calls. then after like under 5 mins my bb turned off by itself with the red light still on and thats it my bb officially wont turn back on. i tried drying it but it looks like it is not helping. the screen is foggy on the sides in the inside but not toooooo foggy jsut a little foggy on the sides. what should i do? :cry:

05-01-2008, 10:22 PM
FIRST-- remove the battery NOW.

Got Your BlackBerry Wet? - BlackBerryFAQ (http://blackberryfaq.net/index.php/Got_Your_BlackBerry_Wet%3F)

Mixing electrical circuits and water was never ever never ever good. It might work again, but it will take days and patience to find out. Read the tips above and above ALL, don't be tempted to pop the battery in for about 5 days. You might have already fried it.

Good luck with it. I have seen them recovered after a few days of treatment as described in the link.

AND, welcome to the BBForums.

05-02-2008, 12:08 AM
Wirelessly posted

Put it in a box of rice, the rice will dry out your bb in a few days

05-03-2008, 02:09 PM
Update - Well my phone dropped on thurs night and now its saturday afternoon and its still not turning on. i put in in a box of rice and it only helped the screen to unfog but thats about it and i took it out from the rice box on last night. how much more should i wait for till i finally realize that my phone is dead or alive?

05-03-2008, 03:46 PM
It's been less than 48 hours, I think you might have taken it out of the rice too soon. Did you read the information posted on the link JSanders posted?

Unfortunately, turning it on right after it got wet might have fried it (and trying to turn it on again after less than 48 hours probably didn't help). At this point, I'd follow the details in the link exactly as written and if your BB doesn't recover after that, it's a goner.


05-04-2008, 11:53 AM
Another Update - Now its Sunday morning (happend thursday night) i just turned my bb on and the red light went on and so the white loading screen but thats about it. now i tried it again and the white screen does not go on anymore just the red light. what does this mean?

05-04-2008, 12:06 PM
Patience my friend. The red light is a good sign, but still, inconclusive. Give it another day or so.

Good luck.

05-04-2008, 12:54 PM
Wirelessly posted (8310; The Juggernaut)

All this means you have yet to read any of this! Quit putting the battery back in. That will fry it.

05-04-2008, 08:00 PM
^^^ What he said.

Again, did you go to the link JSanders provided in his first post? (Got Your BlackBerry Wet? - BlackBerryFAQ (http://blackberryfaq.net/index.php/Got_Your_BlackBerry_Wet%3F))

At this point, it might be too late. By popping your battery in and out, and turning on your BB a few times before it's completely dry, there's a good possibility that it's fried or at least damaged. Even if you can get it to work, corrosion can do its thing shortly down the road. Your BB really needed to be opened and dried correctly, which you should have started to do on Thursday after the FAQ link was posted.

From what you've been posting, the red light has been coming on since your BB got wet, so you are no further ahead than you were at the time of your first post.

05-05-2008, 07:33 PM
LAST UPDATE! so yeah i give up its already monday night and my phone is STILL not turning on i really do beleive i f*cked it up badly and its dead. RIP my 2 month old 8310 titanium blackberry =(

05-06-2008, 03:43 PM
Last Wednesday, my wife's 2 week-old blackberry curve took a dip in the toilet. She made sure to wash it out really well and then handed it to me to fix. I took out the battery and let it dry out for a couple of days, but it still didn't turn on. Sunday night, I read this thread and saw the part about the rice. I saw another post saying to use rice and the heat from the satellite receiver.

I followed the take apart directions on YouTube: YouTube - Blackberry Curve 8300 Screen Removal & Take Apart (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiIl19G74C0&feature=related)

Then I stuck everything in a tupperware container with rice in the bottom and set it on top of my satellite receiver for 2 days. I just reassembled the blackberry, stuck in the battery, and voila. It's working again! Thanks for your help!

05-06-2008, 04:39 PM

Excellent. Thanks for the report. The key to this is time (and not putting the battery in it every day to see if it won't work).

05-06-2008, 06:08 PM
{Sarcasm on}

Patience!! You expect patience in the digital world??? The only reason this BB fell in a puddle is because of design errors, and RIM/T-Mo/AT&T/Sprint should of course correct this instantly and for free. It is my absolute right as a denizen of the 21st century.

{Sarcasm off}

05-07-2008, 12:58 AM
{Sarcasm on}

Patience!! You expect patience in the digital world??? The only reason this BB fell in a puddle is because of design errors, and RIM/T-Mo/AT&T/Sprint should of course correct this instantly and for free. It is my absolute right as a denizen of the 21st century.

{Sarcasm off}

Well, with or without sarcasm - I don't know why there is no lanyard attachment point, at least, on my 8830. I believe there should be an option for attachment even if users opt not to use one.

11-23-2008, 04:55 PM
i have a curve 8310 and a pearl 8100,

my curve fell into water and i took it apart and did the whole thing worked fine of course...but the ONLY bad thing,

the screen is extremely DIM, you cannot even see the darn thing until you have it an inch from your face. and if your outside.....uh uh. lol impossible to see.

so what do you all think i should do?

11-23-2008, 05:04 PM
oh yeah, and of course the camera is not working.... -___- water damage ftw