View Full Version : Dying 8800/Connection Problem

06-30-2009, 01:50 PM
My 8800 is starting to die after 2+ years of meritorious service and abuse. The phone still operates fine other than the unexplainable 24 hours of contant rebooting this weekend and the fact that the pins in the USB port are less than perfectly straight anymore. Sometimes when I charge it I have to be a little ginger with how far/shallow I plug it in.

I took a new job last summer and was given a Curve for my work phone and as such hadn't sync'd my 8800 in a LONG time. I realized that this morning. I downloaded the Device Mgr to my personal laptop (a new laptop I bought this spring) and plugged in my phone. After opening the Device Mgr, it didn't see my phone. I tried plugging/unplugging/halfway plugging it back in to no luck.

Just to make sure the cable still worked, I plugged in my work Curve and it appears to work fine.

So, any suggestions as to how I can fix my 8800. I've dug around in the USB connection before and straightened out pins. I'd like to try and make my 8800 last until the Driftwood comes to TMO this fall.


06-30-2009, 03:58 PM
Wirelessly posted

Try to repair it take it to tmo service center I'm sure they will remove the old connection and will replace it