View Full Version : BES 5.0 Domino Folder and Person Document Issue

08-11-2009, 04:57 PM
Hello All,
If you are a domino shop and considering upgrade to 5.0 please learn from my experience. There are a few un-published bugs in this version that have caused me a lot of pain and extra work.

The main bug for me is if a user has over 255 mail folders, the messages from any folders are randomly put back in the inbox. The only solution for this issue is to delete the user from the 5.0 BES and add them as a new user (with no wireless backup data) on a 4.1 BES. TSupport was great to give me a temp SRP and CAL's to do this while they get a fix in place, but I still have to supply the hardware and time to move them.

There is another bug where the person document mail file location has to case match the nsf file in your folder explorer. Ex. jtest.nsf and mail\JTest will cause some mail delivery issues. There is a simple registry fix for this one.

There is no public documentation on these from RIM yet, but I wanted to share this and possibly prevent you from having the same issues.


08-12-2009, 01:15 AM
Oh wow, thanks for the tips. When I was at WES, all I could here is all the "great" things upgrading to 5.0 was going to be, but when I attended the session on two actual customers that did it, I just felt things weren't so rosy.

08-12-2009, 03:06 AM
Not only that, there is another bug in BES5.0 where during user initializations and your SQL box decides to go offline, users will not be able to receive messages even though the BES is restarted later when your SQL is back online.