View Full Version : What Does This Do?

12-03-2005, 05:26 AM
i've seen people adding a + sign in the numbers like +1-800-567-8910. what's with that?

12-03-2005, 07:28 AM
The + sign is the symbol for International Dialing. If you want a call to be dialed properly from the US to another country or from another country here, you use the + sign. AN example.

From a wired phone in North America, you would dial 011 44 (number) to call the UK. The 011 is the code in the US for dialing internationally. IN other countries it is different. But if you sue the + sign, it will always understand, based on the number, what you want to to. The format is "+" country code and number. The country code for North America (I am very careful to include Canada) is "1", so if you put +1 (Area code / number) it will work from outside the US.

I code all my phone numbers with the +1 for North America and + country code for outside.