View Full Version : Remove my gmail account from Blackberry Messages?

05-04-2010, 03:18 PM
Hi, all. I recently downloaded Google Mobile App which gave me a cool Gmail icon on my Blackberry. I want to remove my gmail account from the Message app so only SMS and MMS appear there. Is this possible?


05-04-2010, 05:10 PM
Wirelessly posted

You should be able to. Go to the e-mail settings option and remove it from there.

05-04-2010, 05:27 PM
Wirelessly posted

Thanks! It's working great!

Blueberry Hill
05-05-2010, 02:21 PM
kirrinjones, forgive me but where do you find the email settings option??? These icons mean nothing to me on this screen and nothing is self explanatory. I put Gmail on this wretched thing and all my contacts disappeared! I just want to get rid of gmail and get my contacts back. Or rebuild the contact list. Right now I'd like to throw the stupid phone at the nearest Verizon dealer...

05-05-2010, 02:28 PM
Wirelessly posted

:) sorry to hear you're having a frustrating experience so far.

Depending on your os version and theme, the e-mail settings icon can either be on the main screen (4.x) or it can be in a folder (5.x). You should check all icons and folders. Make sure that no icons are hidden, to make sure all icons are shown from the main screen activate the BlackBerry menu (may have to press it twice) and choose the option to show all. Then search for the e-mail settings icon. You can repeat the steps to turn off the show all feature.

Note that the e-mail settings icon will only remove e-mail accounts it will not affect or bring back your contacts (as far as I know).
