View Full Version : Get the BES / MDS to trust certificate for device?

07-08-2011, 02:34 AM

Is it possible to have the BES / MDS trust a certificate so that the handheld doesnt have to trust it?

I have seen lost of posts / threads describing how to trust the certificate on he handheld but I dont want users to have to do this for a specific internal site that has a self-signed certificate.

Cheers in advance,

07-08-2011, 04:31 AM
Yes there is. I just happen to test this out recently.

Title: How to add a certificate for the web server to the BlackBerry Mobile Data System Connection Service or BlackBerry MDS keystore
Link: KB11623-How to add a certificate for the web server to the BlackBerry Mobile Data System Connection Service or BlackBerry MDS keystore (http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB11623)

- The default password for Java's keytool command is "changeit".
- Backup your cacerts prior testing.