View Full Version : weird crash on 8700c

03-13-2006, 09:45 PM
Hello all. any help VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

i have a new 8700, which I replaced my old 8700 with. My exchange service is hosted by Mi8.com who also host our small companies exchange service.

the question I'm asking is if anyone has every experienced this error.

Lately, unlock my screen lock, type in a name in the address book find field, and suddenly, names, which i know are in the book, don't show up. in fact, it as if the phone book is nearly empty, yet it says that it has 8000 names in it, as it should (I have a huge rolodex).

HOWEVER, and this is the weird part, if I go to the email, click on the address of the person I JUST searched for in the address book and select the option int he UI to call that person, or look up their contact info, they are suddenly there!

I've called tech support at MI8 twice about this. each time, they send me a replacement address book service book, and I HARD reboot my 8700 but the error keeps creeping back.

any suggestions/similar experiences? Some things to note:
- same problem on TWO DIFFERENT 8700's. so it's not the phone.
- Problem re-appears 1-5 days after they re-send the service book.
- data is apparantly still in database, so maybe this is a SEARCH error?

thanks for ANY help!

03-15-2006, 08:30 AM
I don't know if you've already tried this, but I had a user that couldn't bring up any of his 4000 addresses (much like you, it said he had 4000 but couldn't see them) and it ended up that he was searching through his business contacts and personal contacts group while his addresses were ungrouped. Just by de-selecting both (or any other) groups, he was able to see and search for his addresses. You can de-select them in the address menu and clicking on filter them un-checking the groups.

I hope the solution is this easy to save you the time and trouble of dealing with the BES and Exchange :smile:

02-06-2007, 03:38 PM
Seriously I love you guys. Same Problem, did a search and now I have my (150 is nothing compared to 4000) names back!
