View Full Version : Help with BCC reply from wrong email account

09-10-2006, 10:30 PM
Heres my setup on my 8700c

-work email is setup to send to my mailbox on my laptop running linux as well as my gmail account. When my gmail account sees any mail with the "to" field that matches my work email address, it forwards it to my cingular blackberry email. I have the reply setup in mycingular for that email account to be my work email address. This setup works really well since gmail filters out spam, then pushes to my mycingular.blackberry email and then pushes to my device. When I reply to these emails it looks like it is coming from my work email address...this is correct.

- I also have my gmail account setup to push to my device (the one that has my email forwarded through)

- And then I have another gmail account setup to push to my device

All in all, I have three email accounts on my device.

Okay, now that my setup is explained let me tell you what my problem is....

This weekend I was sent an email to my work address. However, instead of being CC (carbon copied), I was BCC'd (blind carbon copy). I replied to the original sender with an email using the "reply" function. However, when he received it, the email to him came from my gmail account instead of showing that it came from my work email.

I have been setup like my current setup for about a month, and always when I do a reply for an email that was sent to my work address, it always looks like it came from my work address. The only thing that I can think of that was different on this particular email was that I was BCC'd instead of CC.

Also, when I do a reply, I see no way of checking as to what account it is replying from. Is there a way to change that so that I can verify where it comes from?

Sorry for the novel...Can anyone explain why this happened?
