View Full Version : Sample_Database: Blank screen (NO UI) in RIM simulator

03-30-2005, 03:50 PM
I am new to this. I downloaded BB SDK 2.5 and build all the sample applications such as sample_database.dll,sample_message, ui32 and so on. When I ran RIM Simulator and loaded applications, I see "Initializing..." but after that I don't see anything....
When I try to debug from VS 6, I was not able to step into RibbonRegisterFunction fn. Also MyThread fn never called....

I haven't connected the cradle.
I don' t know the PIN number. Its blank.


03-31-2005, 03:55 PM
Its working fine. Got "Device Error 100" then loaded english.dll and localization.dll. Now I can see the app running. MyThread fn is getting called in debug mode.