View Full Version : How do I temporarily stop emails from email accounts?

01-14-2007, 01:04 PM
Hi, is it possible to stop emails from email accounts (BIS) just for a day or so?

Reason is I also have a treo and like to use that during working hours and the Pearl after work - Do I need to delete them off the server, Cingular.com or can I put them on "hold" ?

Thanks for the help!

01-14-2007, 03:00 PM
Wirelessly posted (8700c: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/102)

Some BB OS have the ability to stop data under options»network. Otherwise you can do it ont he BIS settings but you have to do it each time.

01-14-2007, 03:55 PM
Wirelessly posted (8700c: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/102)

Some BB OS have the ability to stop data under options»network. Otherwise you can do it ont he BIS settings but you have to do it each time.

thanks but I was hoping NOT to stop data flow - just stop the push email until I need it again - thanks

01-14-2007, 05:48 PM
Log into your BIS.Blackberry account and under filter uncheck "forward emails from this account to the handheld". Recheck it when you want it to resume sending them.

01-14-2007, 06:18 PM
Log into your BIS.Blackberry account and under filter uncheck "forward emails from this account to the handheld". Recheck it when you want it to resume sending them.

great thanks, so by unchecking this, is it instant or is there some delay?

01-14-2007, 06:53 PM
this is insant as soon as you save this setting it takes affect.

01-14-2007, 07:14 PM
thanks guys!(y)

01-15-2007, 02:40 AM
You could go to your Messages, hit Menu/Filters then uncheck 'forward to phone'. Leave it like that until you want email delivered again...

01-15-2007, 03:45 PM
You could go to your Messages, hit Menu/Filters then uncheck 'forward to phone'. Leave it like that until you want email delivered again...

where on the pearl or desktop? Cant find filter setting under messages

01-16-2007, 10:28 AM
Not on the pearl or the desktop...you need to log into your BIS.Blackberry.com account online.

01-16-2007, 12:10 PM
You could go to your Messages, hit Menu/Filters then uncheck 'forward to phone'. Leave it like that until you want email delivered again...
This is only for BES accounts....can't do this with Blackberries that are only on BIS.

I should know I have a 8700c on BES and a 8100 on BIS sitting right in front of me right now :)