View Full Version : Treo to Pearl...can I take ALL of my addresses?

01-20-2007, 05:18 PM
Thinking of making the switch, but need some clarification on address/contact capacity. I currently have 2500 contacts on my Treo. Can the Pearl store them all? Can it use the microSD for storing this kind of data as well as multimedia files? Thanks for your help!

01-20-2007, 05:21 PM
The 8100 uses a micro SD card foe media stuff :)

The 8100 should be able to store them with no problem

John Clark
01-20-2007, 05:23 PM
The Pearl can't save them on the SD card. I think you'll be fine, however. I'm sure I've heard of people having that many before. The Desktop Manager software has a switch device wizard which should import them all for you. If that doesn't work you can import them from the Palm Desktop (I think--could be wrong here) and I know you could import them into Outlook and then import from Outlook into the BB.

01-20-2007, 07:43 PM
I was able to do it before. I saved it on my computer and transferred it into the blackberry. The one thing I had which killed me was that if you have any numbers saved without a name then it wont transfer your entire book.


01-20-2007, 09:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I had seen some mention of a 450 contact max which would be a problem. GOod to hear that the micro SD can hold more than MP3s! More details on current setup, any other insights would be great!
Currently using the Treo with the Palm platform Agendus PIM, syncing with Act! V.6. My customer database is extensive and most contacts include notes which would be nice to sync with the 8100. I Like the ability to add notes say from a meeting or call, and sync them with my desktop, nice backup too... Anyone doing this with the 8100? I'm open to changing to other desktop PIMs, even Outlook, as long as I can take my 15yrs worth of data with me!