View Full Version : Simulator Issues

04-04-2007, 07:27 AM
Hi, I'm developing an application that uses the phone app and persistent data. It works fine on the physical BlackBerry but on the simulator it runs into some errors...

When I change the permissions to allow for IPC and the Phone app and saved, the IPC and Phone API's aren't removed from the application's restricted list. Now when I run the program, I get the error "JVM Error 104, Uncaught: Errror". However if I then go to the permission settings and simply save (the correct permissions that I already had set are still there), the API's are removed from the restricted list and the program runs fine. Obviously this makes it a real pain to try to develop and also is bad for demonstrating for customers. What makes things even more interesting is a simulator on a different computer runs without any errors.

Also I have recently tried adding resource bundles but get the error UncaughtMissingResource, however it also works perfectly fine on the physical BlackBerry.

I have tried reinstalling and surfing the net for solutions but nothing's working, any idea what's going on?