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paulmchugh 12-28-2004 10:23 PM

Adding data plan to Cingular 7290
I have a current voice plan with Cingular ($99/month unlimited) that I want to keep. I simply want to upgrade to a 7290 Blackberry and add the data plan. Cingular claims they can't just add data plan and that I must give up current voice plan. Is there a way around this? Someone told me that I might be able to subscribe to a non-blackberry data plan and rig the Blackberry to browse/collect email another way. I'm just looking for web client ability.

finch 12-28-2004 10:38 PM

Someone doesn't know what there talking about? You should easily be able to add a data plan to your current voice plan. Does Cingular have data dept. you can speak with directly?

bfrye 12-29-2004 07:31 AM

Went through this with someone at work yesterday. I think it was the wireless internet package for $19.99 she added. Did it from the features section of their website online. Took about 20 mins maybe.

paulmchugh 12-29-2004 10:48 AM

Cingular says I have to release current plan & sign-up with one of the newer (not as good) voice rate plans. I have spoken to many people in stores and on phone

alinla 12-30-2004 04:57 PM

I believe if you have a TDMA phone you have to switch plans and start on the GSM network.

If you already have a GSM phone though, I think you can just add the Data plan of your choice and get service. Just make sure its a "Blackberry Data Plan" and not one of the others for regular cell phones.

AuEngineer 12-30-2004 05:38 PM

The Blackberry Data Phone and Regular Data Plan are two completely different packages for Cingular. You CAN have them both on one SIM card, however, the Blackberry data plan will always be superior on the network and therefore you cannot actually use the regular data plan on the same chip.

I recently went through this as I wanted my Blackberry with unlimited data and a backup phone that I could use a modem with my laptop (v551 with Edge which is much faster than the Blackberry).

I was given the full explanation and told that the only way to use two is to convert to a family plan, add the v551 as an additional line for $10/month with the data package at another $20/month, thereby having two chips.

This is most likely not an issue with other providers, just Cingular.

nunyabitnez 01-13-2005 01:04 PM

You should call back till you find a rep that understands their service.

ceebz 02-03-2005 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by bfrye
Went through this with someone at work yesterday. I think it was the wireless internet package for $19.99 she added. Did it from the features section of their website online. Took about 20 mins maybe.

With the 'Media Works' unlimited plan? I wish I could get that to work, my 7290 just sits there with the "data connection refused" banner.

I'm pretty sure you need a 'Xpress Mail' data plan to browse with.

toniq 02-10-2005 03:50 AM

i just added Express Mail Unlimited to my current Cingular voice plan for ~$45 extra per mo. Express Mail includes data service for the blackberry and also unlimited internet access.

turkeypig 06-08-2005 11:04 PM

I have the same issue. I understand that the Blackberry plan is better, but I want the cheaper route. :) Is it possible to get the data plan and use it on the blackberry? IS IT POSSIBLE?? The blackberry plan is about 30 dollars or so more and I can't justify that for myself....anyone?

stonent 06-09-2005 01:10 PM

Tell them you want to add it to your current phone and then take out the SIM and put it in the blackberry. I think you should be able to use the browser.

turkeypig 06-09-2005 07:30 PM

OK...but would you be able to set it up to check email or just the browser?

stonent 06-10-2005 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by turkeypig
OK...but would you be able to set it up to check email or just the browser?

That's the kicker... I don't really know how much of the blackberry requires blackberry service.

I know using the e-mail will need blackberry service. But I'm not all that sure about things. I assume that the WAP browser will work, but I don't know if the HTML browser will. It all depends on what Cingular allows through.

So the definite No's are
Pin to Pin
Blackberry webmail

Most likely:
WAP browser

HTML Browser

turkeypig 06-11-2005 10:08 AM

ok...gotcha...that helps.

setarris 09-11-2005 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by stonent
Tell them you want to add it to your current phone and then take out the SIM and put it in the blackberry. I think you should be able to use the browser.

I just got a BB with Cingular (switched phones from LG to BB) and have spent hours (different calls) with them on setting up the correct plan. Still trying to find best setup. I can tell you for sure you can switch SIMM cards (thats what I did) however your present SIMM card must be 64K (look on your card).
If you get a plan that you can access the web with get a Yahoo eMail account and you can check eMail through it with out having to add the expense through Cingular for an eMail account.

Let me know how it works out for you!

joginder 09-18-2005 02:01 AM

I am going thru the same nightmare with these idiots at Cingular. I have a 99$ unlimited plan and I just wanted to add the Blackberry plan to it and i have talked upto the Manager level help them understand what a customers wants and they are so DUMB. They still keep me telling that I will lose the voice plan and I will have to convert my account to new plan. Well, if I will have to lose my favorie plan then forget about this. So I put a freeze on my Cingular/ATT account and walked to T-Mo and bout service from them. I am with T-Mo from the last 2 yrs with BB plan and never had any issue.
I just don't understand why the hack these Cingular people do not understand the business and keep telling something that is so absured for both me and them.
Well since AT&T does not have any limits on how long I can keep my account in suspend so every 6 months the account comes live for 2-3 days and then I put it to sleep next to Ted Williams and I am happy. If I ever came back to Cingular then I will enjoy my voice plan.

Also once in a while if I am not using my T-mobile BB plan then I can remove it and my voice plan and is contract has nothing to do with this additional feature.
I am a happy customer with T-Mobile.

digitmasher 11-27-2005 05:47 PM

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) BlackBerry7520/4.0.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

The reason why you are being told to change your calling plan in order to get a blackberry service is because you are migrating from an ATT account to a Cingular account. The codes no longer exist to alter an ATT account.

Theodore Rex 12-16-2005 05:32 AM

I have had the same problems with Cingular only worse. I finally got so mad that I called their tech support and told them that I want my 7290 unlocked so that I could go to T-Mobile. They refused. So I called T-Mobile and explained the situation to them. They say that they will have my phone unlocked from Cingular and up and running on a T-Mobile Voice and Data plan within about 24 to 48 hours. In otherwords they are more than happy to do all the legwork for you. Even if it takes them longer they are still saving me money. I have had it with Cingular.

bdarrin 12-30-2005 04:53 PM

Class Action Lawsuit Needed
Unfortunatly I am in the same situation as you. I have (had) MMode but Cingular refuses to do so much as add additional text messages to your plan without cancelling your former ATT wireless plan that we are all grandfathered into and creating a new Cingular plan oh and a new contract to go with it.

Did I mention they will not swap out your equipment like ATT would, they will not let you lower your plan the way ATT would and they will not let you add services the way ATT would.... fine but here's the kicker. THEY WILL NOT LET YOU OUT OF YOUR CONTRACT EARLY EITHER

They can't have their cake and eat it too. I'm trying to go back to TMobile with LPN but that is going to be a nightmare on top of that my 7100t that runs unlocked on Cingular with a grandfather'ed ATT account just got ERROR 365 (No fix available). I swear someone at Cingular pushed a virus to cause this problem so that I'd have to do something. Anyway I'm on my second 7100T unlocked phone (thanks EBAY) and I have NOOOOO Internet still even though I pay for Mmode.

Anyone know some good lawyers, this would only be worth it to get a 100 people together to file a joint lawsuit but I'm telling you this would be BIG! I know they are going against the orginal ATT contract.

Perhaps a webform is in order for complaining ATT people to input their contact info? I had a chuckle yesturday in the grocery store line someone was complaining on their broken Cell phone about this exact thing.

Cell Phone Communists I tell you!


Originally Posted by paulmchugh
I have a current voice plan with Cingular ($99/month unlimited) that I want to keep. I simply want to upgrade to a 7290 Blackberry and add the data plan. Cingular claims they can't just add data plan and that I must give up current voice plan. Is there a way around this? Someone told me that I might be able to subscribe to a non-blackberry data plan and rig the Blackberry to browse/collect email another way. I'm just looking for web client ability.

dcrhaekte 01-03-2006 12:57 AM

@ paulmchugh

I think your best option (and everyone else that wants service for less) is to contact and get service with them. It would cost you $39 initial setup fee and then $19.99/month and they offer more than Cingular does as far as the package goes.

Check them out. I have not acquired service with them yet simply because I am waiting until my next pay day. But after all the junk I've been through, that seems the best thing to do.

Also, are you guys calling the BB specialists that work for Cingular? Or are you just calling Cingular CS?

BB specialist phone number 1-866-490-2666

illusivemotive 01-05-2006 11:18 AM

Does cingular blackberry suport lotus Inotes? I can't use the redirector because I don't have a machine that can always be left on. Tmoble insisted blackberry could not do this

nb_mitch 01-05-2006 12:00 PM

So the real issue is that you have an Old ATT account with a great plan but Cingular wants to convert you to a new plan. On their current plans, $99 would get you 2000 minutes anytime with rollover. I understand that is more time than I am awake each month, but some people really talk allot.

I converted because Cingular gave me a better deal than my old ATT plan. I also see now they have a special for 1500 minutes for $49 no rollover.

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