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tim999 09-01-2008 07:02 AM

New Blackberry Professional Server - Advice Appreciated!
Hi everyone,

I was hoping I could get some advice regarding our scenario:

We currently utilise Blackberry Enterprise Server SMB for GroupWise. We are moving to a new Exchange 2007 environment which is being built side-by-side ready for a 'big-bang' migration.

How would you advise I approach the installation of the new Blackberry Professional Software baring in mind that we already that the existing BES up and running. If I install the new version so that it is ready for go live evening will this cause any problems?

It is being installed on a new server 2003 build which will be a member server of the MS domain.

As you can gather I have a fundamental lack of understanding of exactly how the BES/B Pro functions!

Inbound email will not route to the new Exchange box until the migration weekend at which point it will simply be changed on the firewall. However I want this all up and ready to reduce work load at migration weekend.

I got it all installed and working on my test network at home but in the actual environment I have the added complication of the existing BES installation for GroupWise.

So in short: can I install the blackberry pro software and have it up and running on the current network whilst all users are still using the other blackberry for their GroupWise mail? Are there any conflicts that could be caused?

Much thanks!

x14 09-01-2008 09:53 AM

You do realize you will have to wipe and re-activate all the BlackBerry on the Exchange BES right?

tim999 09-01-2008 11:04 AM

Yep of course. That would only happen on migration day itself though. Luckily we only have around 15 users, and of those only a handful will require it done on that evening as most would happily go without their email for the weekend.

I just need to know whether having the environment up and ready prior to the actual mail switch will cause any problems.

x14 09-01-2008 11:39 AM

Both servers cannot be using the same SRP at the same time.

tim999 09-01-2008 11:49 AM

I think the SRP will be different as its a whole different platform essentially - Blackberry Professional for Exchange as opposed to BES for GroupWise.

The licensing is totally new as there is no migration licensing model available.

Does that sound correct?

tim999 09-02-2008 08:52 AM

Sorry to push for an answer guys - will this cause any problems if I install another production Blackberry Pro server as per details above?

Guess I can contact BB direct.

bertiebassett 09-02-2008 11:10 AM

I think you'll be fine.. you currently have BES for GW up and'll be moving to BPS for Exchange.. so effectively you're manually moving users from one environ to the other. different SRP id's as mentioned so you should be 'all good'

qc_metal 09-02-2008 03:40 PM

RIM used to provide you (when asked) with a migration SRP back in the day that was good for 30 days. I don't know if they do that anymore, and it probably doesn't help you now.

And for what it's worth, if you do a knife-edge cutover, you could use the same SRP info...but that wasn't the question... :)

So like the others said - wiping/reactivation would be your answer.

tim999 09-03-2008 04:49 AM

I think a wipe will be sufficient. I know there is some corruption in the current Gwise/BES database which means there are 2 users that we cannot delete so I want this new environment to be a clean start.

So in short - so long as the SRP ID is different which it will be due to this being a brand new license agreement - then this is all good!

Thanks for everyone's feedback - I will begin the 'fun' building of the new BB server today!

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