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jmk 08-28-2004 08:57 PM

My Flashlight
I was buying a game from and saw this "flashlight/mirror" application for only $1, so I bought it. (I've spent a $1 on a lot dumber things than this.) Anyway, I've loaded it to my phone and I see the icon and I can turn the program on, but I can't tell that it's doing anything. The "mirror" function doesn't work and I can't tell that the light stays on any longer or brighter. Does anyone else have this application (and has it working)? If so, I'd like to hear what you did to make it work.


kirson 08-28-2004 10:06 PM

I had the exact same experience -- cost of $1 -- functionality of $0. A user that goes by the handle mcrules told me that it works fine for him -- I have no idea why/how. When I purchased the app., there was a contact name to call for help -- I may give that a shot one of these days...

Mark Rejhon 08-28-2004 10:09 PM

The mirror function only works for those screens that are very reflective (like some models of older BlackBerries). It does not work on the 7280 though.

The flashlight is simply a full-white screen with backlight on.

The mirror is simply a full-black screen with backlight off, it only works on shiny glass screens with no frosty antiglare cover.

Thus, this program only "works" on certain BlackBerries.

jmk 08-28-2004 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by kirson
I had the exact same experience -- cost of $1 -- functionality of $0. A user that goes by the handle mcrules told me that it works fine for him -- I have no idea why/how. When I purchased the app., there was a contact name to call for help -- I may give that a shot one of these days...

Don't bother. I emailed that person and they wrote back with a "are you stupid" type message. Asked me if I had loaded it correctly? When I replied that I had, I never heard from him/her again. I do have a 7280 so that explains why the mirror doesn't work and that's fine, but I'm getting no use out of the flashlight either. That guy has a good thing going for him. I'll give him that. If he gets a "measley" dollar from everyone that downloads from, he should be making a nice sum of money. Guess I'll just think of it as a "sales tax" for the No-Limit Hold'em Poker game that I bought.

By the way, if you are looking for a poker game, I definitely would recommend the "Aces No Limit Hold Em" on Handango. Paid $10 and I know I've played it $10 worth.

MCRULES 08-30-2004 04:04 PM

dead serious it works on mine!!
and trust me my screen is far from new looking!!!
I don't know what to say............guess i'm just luck!!
or SUPER GOOD !! na just lucky.hahaha
and before you all think it...i in no way make any porfit from this app.
he won't share his get rich product!!
sorry Ian for your waste of time!!!!
maybee you need over 7000 for it to work!!
you know what I'm talking about...LOL


kirson 08-30-2004 04:11 PM


Nice to "see" you again :)

I got 7060. Then I took some very bad advice and deleted my RMS database -- and it went to 0! Now, I have a slightly modified version installed, and I just don't have the patience to go at it again.

What handheld model do you have? I have a 7230, and the flashlight/mirror simply don't do a thing. Perhaps the different models have slightly different screen composition, which result in the different results?

Anyway, nice to have you back :)


MCRULES 08-30-2004 04:52 PM

whoops sorr about capts...
I have the 7280....and from what I been reading so do other people???

btw....level 5...... just take out the first brick on the left...try too, it's hard.
the ball dose the rest for the most part!!
get the prises that fall but try to put the ball back through the hole each time..
It's not a good hint at first but after a couple of tries it works perfect!!
where did you get the mod..version???
down load crib from a "site".....and try "773383106123852695"
sorry for not being clear!!
i don't want to get in trouble!!!
shhhhhhhhh!! :shock:

Mark Rejhon 08-30-2004 04:53 PM

The 7230 and 7280 screens are the same and both have a relatively dim backlight (bad for flashlight) and has a frosted antiglare (bad for mirror).

MCRULES 08-30-2004 04:58 PM

a)all the stuff that has been spilled on it..ect...!! took the "frost" off
B)my standards are lower!!!

probably (b) but i like it......??
simple things for simple my mottoe


jmk 08-31-2004 12:00 AM

So after all is said and done, mcrules or whomever, what do I need to do to make this work for me? I have the 7280 too. Makes no sense that it would work for you and not me. You may be SUPER GOOD, but I'm not that bad. 8)

MCRULES 08-31-2004 11:07 AM

truth is I am a very flukey person.....
and i guess I got the right version??? or low enuff expections???
that I was content with this product....
sorry pal.
If you near ht e"amherst" area drop me a line and I'll show it on mine!!
but I cant see that happening .. (n)


Mark Rejhon 08-31-2004 04:39 PM

There used to be a third party flashlight and mirror apps for the iPaq (I think it was free) -- in my opinion it worked much better on that handheld. Partially useless, but it did have some function. The software did help to make it a better flashlight (all white screen) but one can just simply turn on the handheld unit and point it without any software and still get most of the effectiveness. And did marginally help to make it a better mirror (all black screen, to maximize the glass reflection of your face), but it wasn't that good a mirror except when used outdoors on a sunny day because the glass was only 5% reflective. And simply turning off the unit worked as well to make the iPaq PDA screen a mirror, if the LCD turns off to black. (But not all LCD screens turn off to an all-black color)

Anyway, I understand the principle of the software. It's just 72XX are not good platforms for such a flashlight/mirror software.

DBESTech 09-19-2004 12:16 AM

Don't feel bad. Someone sent me a link a couple weeks ago for an app that cost 1$ that made the handheld vibrate constantly. Called it a "personal massager". :)

bhsalzer 09-21-2004 10:06 AM

THis is the BIGGEST scam ever. I once tried a program like this on my old Palm Pilot. Save your money. I personnally will never buy any software unless there is a trial period. Point in case a company liek Magmic for games. Lots of trials and great games. Any reputable company will over some sort of trial on all products.

kirson 09-21-2004 11:44 AM

I agree that on most current versions of the Blackberry this application is junk. But I don't think it's a scam -- it used to work pretty nicely on some of the older Blackberrys. Just keep in mind that all it ever was was a blank white screen for the LIGHT and a blank black screen for the MIRROR. Cute & harmless -- as long as the reflective proprties of the screen supported it. I don't think the developer got rich -- probably made $100 or so. And if it still worked the way it used to, then he deserved his $100.

But I concur -- avoid this application on newer Blackberries.

ilguy 09-24-2004 11:24 AM

waste of money for the flashlight gimmick - I feel I got scammed but what am I gonna do over .99??

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