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stealthx32 06-27-2006 08:30 AM

Video is here!!!
The boys over at Pinstack got their hands on the beta version of SonaMobile.


alslsb 06-27-2006 08:32 AM

But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

nycts 06-27-2006 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by alslsb
But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

I would guess the same reason you would need a 400+ horsepower car in NYC traffic with gas at $3+ per gallon.

Basically to KNOW you can do it, if you wanted to lol

Obsidiank 06-27-2006 08:46 AM

Why not?

finch 06-27-2006 08:55 AM

No idea, but the PINstack folks seem to have little issue whoring links to their forum here but heaven forbid you post a link over their referring to another forum and their all over you like a bunch jackyls on a rotting carcus...

Originally Posted by alslsb
But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

N8DBB 06-27-2006 09:35 AM

As far as I know, this link wasn't "whored" (for your lack of a better word) from Pinstack over to here.

Getting back on the topic of the SonaMobile Player, why would someone want that? Well, in case many of you haven't noticed, Blackberrys are getting more and more consumer notice every day now, and it looks as if the public sector is gaining users quickly. Therefore, there are going to need programs such as this because there will be a growing command for them for consumer users.

Any questions, you have my email and PIN.

Actually, let me edit so that you have the right pin: Its 20405a18

stealthx32 06-27-2006 10:38 AM

Wow. If something's handed to you on a silver platter, you'd all say "**** no", huh...

And for the record, I read this on, and thought you might be interested.


Originally Posted by alslsb
But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

Thank God people like you don't run RIM. They'd be still in the stone age. You'd probably say no to the TCP stack too.

insecterx 06-27-2006 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by alslsb
But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

PORN baby, PORN!!!!!! (y)

finch 06-27-2006 02:20 PM

In that case I'm on the way over to make a post with reference to another forum, I'm sure I'll be warned or banned before I hit submit... :-o

Originally Posted by N8DBB
As far as I know, this link wasn't "whored" (for your lack of a better word) from Pinstack over to here.

Getting back on the topic of the SonaMobile Player, why would someone want that? Well, in case many of you haven't noticed, Blackberrys are getting more and more consumer notice every day now, and it looks as if the public sector is gaining users quickly. Therefore, there are going to need programs such as this because there will be a growing command for them for consumer users.

Any questions, you have my email and PIN.

Actually, let me edit so that you have the right pin: Its 20405a18

NJBlackBerry 06-27-2006 02:25 PM

Careful Finch, the Pinheads will attack you too...

tprime 06-27-2006 04:27 PM

Why can't we all just get along?

griffjnr 06-27-2006 05:01 PM

I downloaded the software with no snags but I can't download any of the video samples as it gives me a java error. Any ideas?

contempt 06-27-2006 05:08 PM

I was able to download the software OTA and play with the videos. Here's the link for OTA: h**p://

They state that it's beta, so YMMV. I think the quality of the video is mediocre at best. Granted, if any of you have tried MobiTV, you'll be used to the grainy compression. What bugs me is that you have to download the videos, there's no streaming. Which means on average it took me about 4 minutes to download a 1 minute news clip. Now if there was an option for me to stream my own videos or other videos I could see the benefit, but for now it's limited to their News, Finance, and Sports videos.

jdjleo 06-27-2006 05:26 PM


'nuff said

rcg 06-27-2006 10:53 PM

First as someone who streams their SlingBox to a PocketPC I would have to say Mobile Video can be very useful... it's a nice way to remote program my TiVo for starters. Downloading 30 second clips isn't really of interest to me... its novel at best. But real streaming of actual content does have its uses.

As far as PinStack goes I have been there and participated some and everyone seems fine... there are few BBF regulars that spend time there so I agree with tprime. It's somewhat nonsensical to remove relevant posts that link other sites - except as a way to try to reduce search indexing and keep eyeballs on your site... if your doing a good enough job with content you wont have much to worry about with people seeing the "forbidden fruit"!!! :-)

takeshi 06-28-2006 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by alslsb
But why does A Blackberry (or even a cell phone user) really need this?

Everybody asks that question about some particular feature or app. The answer, in short, is that 'one size does not fit all" but thankfully there are options.

texasag90 06-28-2006 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by takeshi
Everybody asks that question about some particular feature or app. The answer, in short, is that 'one size does not fit all" but thankfully there are options.

I distinctly remember a conversation with several people in the early nineties who wondered aloud "Why would anyone need to carry their email with them."

stac 06-28-2006 08:16 AM

What would be more helpful than anything, IMHO, would be a vlc/Core media player for the Blackberry. Has anyone bothered to contact the Core developers about developing a Java/J2ME implementation of TCPMP? Seems likely that someone is working on that? Any thoughts?


stac 06-28-2006 08:18 AM

As a quick followup to my own post, I found this:

Which clearly states that they are planning on releasing TCPMP for the J2ME platform which means it should run on a BB...


finch 06-28-2006 08:39 AM

Crap, forgot about the Pinheads...

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
Careful Finch, the Pinheads will attack you too...

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