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patrickh 11-04-2006 10:56 AM

Free chronograph
Yes, it's beta software.. But there is no plan to charge for it..

Point your BB browser to this URL to load directly!
(I only tested on OS 4.1+, let me know if OS 4.0 works)

Version 0.91 features:

- Use phone send/end key to start/stop/lap/reset (On 8700/Pearl)
- Double-ESC to quit or go-to-background if clock running
- Stop watch
- Lap time
- Logging / copying to clipboard
Count down:
- Some presets
- Vibrate and tone
- 2 Alerts and zero alert

Known issues:
- Many things depends on the blackberry's clock. So if it changes in the middle, the chronograph may not work correctly.

Features to come:
- Save more count down presets
- Save battery when app in background and time is counting..

Put feedback here!

Peterme 11-04-2006 11:19 AM

Pretty cool! I like the pre-set countdown values. Thanks!

BroadcastDoc 11-05-2006 11:18 AM

Cool stuff! I've been looking for something like this for a while!

anesone 11-07-2006 09:10 PM

Nice app. I like the combination of countdown and chronograph.

One thing though, can the numbers be spaced out enough that the whole display does not shift as the numbers change?

patrickh 11-07-2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by anesone
Nice app. I like the combination of countdown and chronograph.

One thing though, can the numbers be spaced out enough that the whole display does not shift as the numbers change?

Unfortunately, even the BBSerifFixed font is not fixed in width when it comes to numbers. And the System font only has 1 size.

- P

Cyclops 11-08-2006 07:23 AM

Very nice app, keep up the good work

Somboa 11-10-2006 02:23 PM

Nice app. Stupid question.. is there a way of "quitting" out of the program short of having to switch to another program?

Edit.. lol nevermind. :)

dmccann 11-17-2006 11:17 AM

Doesn't work for me. I get HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable
details: 200: Application can not accept the content [text/]. I get this when I use the URL above in my BB browser.

I downloaded chronograph.jar, extracted the files, created an ALX file for it and tried to use Blackberry Desktop Manager - Application Loader. No go. I get some error about not being signed properly.

I'm running on a 7250.

Too bad it sounds like the feature set I'm looking for.

twlvdzn 11-19-2006 11:14 AM

chronograph / countdown
Good app. This will come in handy.
Many thanks.


patrickh 11-19-2006 10:13 PM

Are you sure you are using the Internet browser, not the WAP browser on your BlackBerry?

If you are to try the desktop manager (ie your carrier or admin disabled the real browsers), forget about the jar file. It is an outdated dummy file. The .cod is the real thing and it is referenced by the .jad file.

- P


Originally Posted by dmccann
Doesn't work for me. I get HTTP Error 406: Not Acceptable
details: 200: Application can not accept the content [text/]. I get this when I use the URL above in my BB browser.

I downloaded chronograph.jar, extracted the files, created an ALX file for it and tried to use Blackberry Desktop Manager - Application Loader. No go. I get some error about not being signed properly.

I'm running on a 7250.

Too bad it sounds like the feature set I'm looking for.

ddfilms 11-20-2006 12:10 AM

nice little app. Will come in handy I'm sure.

konafrank 11-25-2006 05:20 PM

Great App. I look forward to your next version.

Here are a few suggestions.

The volume on the alarm needs to be ajustable. I cannot hear the alarms very well.

I would like to see the Countdown timer automatically convert to the Chronograph without stopping. This would be quite useful for sailing races.

It might also be usefull to put a "pause" button in the countdown timer.

One or two more alerts would be nice.

In regards to accuracy; perhaps there is a way you can give an option to automatically turn off the date / time update feature (Date/Time Source) so that the timer can be more accurate.

I notice that you do take it down to 100ths in the log. However, with age and the inconvenience of reading glasses, it would also be nice to display the 100ths on the main timer. For the same reason, it would also be nice if the main "lap time" display held the value for 3 seconds before rejoining the next lap in progress.

There should be a hide function on the menu though the alt escape function does allow for the same flexibility.

Super work, I can use this for sailing and my son's swim meets.

konafrank 11-25-2006 05:39 PM

removed duplicate post.

patrickh 11-26-2006 12:03 AM

Thanks for the feedback..
1, I will try if I can fix the volume.. I think I am using 80% already.
2, The stop button really means pause..
3, You can hit ESC button twice quickly to hide the app ;)
4, I will see what I can do for the other requested functions :)

- P


Originally Posted by konafrank
Great App. I look forward to your next version.

Here are a few suggestions.

The volume on the alarm needs to be ajustable. I cannot hear the alarms very well.

I would like to see the Countdown timer automatically convert to the Chronograph without stopping. This would be quite useful for sailing races.

It might also be usefull to put a "pause" button in the countdown timer.

One or two more alerts would be nice.

In regards to accuracy; perhaps there is a way you can give an option to automatically turn off the date / time update feature (Date/Time Source) so that the timer can be more accurate.

I notice that you do take it down to 100ths in the log. However, with age and the inconvenience of reading glasses, it would also be nice to display the 100ths on the main timer. For the same reason, it would also be nice if the main "lap time" display held the value for 3 seconds before rejoining the next lap in progress.

There should be a hide function on the menu though the alt escape function does allow for the same flexibility.

Super work, I can use this for sailing and my son's swim meets.

DirtyHarry 04-07-2007 12:38 PM

Works great on my 7520, using it for track timing.

You da man!

SlverSfr 04-08-2007 01:01 PM

Graceful exit
I am using a T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl v4.2.0.64 and when I try to exit by pressing the escape key (or even the Menu key) I get the following error: Uncaught exception:net.rim.device.api.system.ControlledAcce ssException. I'm assuming that wasn't the plan. Otherwise it looks good.8-)

mriff 04-23-2007 12:56 PM

Really nice patrickh. Much appreciated. I like having a countdown clock as well as a timer.

elpha 04-23-2007 01:24 PM

very cool! I've been looking for something like this. One feature request, could you have it display milliseconds?

bigboy 04-23-2007 02:01 PM

I'm getting an error when I leave the app:

Uncaught exception: net.rim.device.api.system.ControlledAccessExceptio n

Using on a 8700c

patrickh 04-23-2007 03:50 PM

Should be fixed now.. Try again..

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