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Elliot Lonsdale 07-26-2007 12:36 AM

I switched to iPhone, and I won't look back. (Review) (Pictures)
Recently, I took the plunge on the new iPhone. It seems like the hottest new gadget out, so I figured "Why not?". I've been a heavy Blackberry user at work, but my new iPhone simply eclipses the functionality of any Blackberry by a factor of 1000, so I'd be stupid not to switch. I'd like to share my awesome adventure with the Blackberry community of why I think the Apple's new iPhone is a gift from God. Without futher adieu, I'd like to bring you my mini-review of Apple's iPhone!

My new iPhone was delivered by FedEx, and I was already impressed with the quality of the box. With a box this great, I was 100% assured I would be getting a product of the best quality. Needless to say, I was even more excited to tear open the box and find my present inside!
iPhone Box

Opening the box, I found the usual Apple class being displayed. I was dying with anticipation as I tore open the box to find my treat inside!
The open iPhone box

After ripping the box open with my claws and teeth, I was greeted by the most beautiful sight. Behold, the Apple iPhone in all its splendor and glory. I was taken aback for a moment, and I had to stop and remember to breathe. "Remember Adam, it's just a phone", I kept telling myself. But just by looking at it, I could tell this was not just a phone. It was a new way of life.
Behold, the Apple iPhone!

I turned on the phone, and this thing is so smart -- It was already activated with my provider's SIM, and my e-mails, contacts, applications, everything was already on the device. It's like Apple read my mind with this beautiful piece of machinery, and telepathically downloaded all my contacts, e-mails and apps. Awesome!
The front of the glorious iPhone

Okay, so the phone is working beautifully. I decide to try out the iPod functionality. Again, all of my music was already synced to the device, I didn't have to do a thing. This new technology is amazing! Best of all, the new iPhone has every bit of functionality that my 4G iPod does, and THEN SOME.
Testing out the iPod functionality

The iPhone is pretty solidly built and feels good in the palm of your hand:
iPhone power in the palm of my hand!

The iPhone is also a pretty slim, stylish unit as you can see in the photo below:
iPhone from its side

I'm totally in love with this new iPhone, and I won't ever use anything else than Apple iPhones. I'm captivated by its intuitiveness, anticipating my every move. Sorry Blackberry community, I've found a new center of my digital life. C'mon in... the water is fine!

Editor's Note: I have since suffered a puncture in my inner ear, but I think it's totally unrelated to iPhone functionality.

JackyC 07-26-2007 12:57 AM

Hahahaha! That's awesome. I'm gonna link this to my blog.

alphasports 07-26-2007 05:27 AM

Wow. Nice. One sweet piece of integrated hardware. I love unboxing these things; I usually like to unbox once for myself, then I repack and unbox a few more times with various friends and relatives, that way I spread the love a bit. Thanks for sharing this, I'm off to Rogers for mine this morning!

tcusta00 07-26-2007 05:35 AM

I don't know why I laughed so uncontrollably at this but I did. Thanks for the laughs!

LunkHead 07-26-2007 05:53 AM

Thats was AWESOME!!!! Laughing my butt off!!!!



Malkier 07-26-2007 06:36 AM

Here I was thinking it was going too be another iphone nut, but that was great!
Thanks for the laugh.

juwaack68 07-26-2007 06:48 AM

I bet it even has GPS!

sabrewulf 07-26-2007 06:49 AM

I was wondering what the ties where for.. LOL

Dawg 07-26-2007 06:54 AM

lmao thats freak funny as hell

someonexh 07-26-2007 07:11 AM

What a great writeup... I love the box "omghype" hahah!! Classic!

JSanders 07-26-2007 09:28 AM

Elliot, you need to send that review to Leno or Dave, it is great.

crisambo 07-26-2007 09:37 AM

. . . Is that the new proto of the G2 iPhone??? and hey . . . it's Cingular-branded ?!?!?

redsoxnation 07-26-2007 10:12 AM

Made my morning! I brought it to work and showed an iphone nut. He should be done sending his email out by noon on that great iphone keyboard. LOL

Noekozz 07-26-2007 10:35 AM

This post just made my day, this is great. 8-)

VickyPaz 07-26-2007 12:42 PM

Yeah, that was cute.

Some of my sister's friends have iPhones and have had some complaints. This review was pretty interesting too. iPhone v. BlackBerry: Side By Side, Two Week Comparison

zero7404 07-26-2007 01:05 PM

the op was so excited, he also forgot that it has wifi !!

LMAO ! this just hits the spot (y) (y) :smile: 8-) :razz:

justin.culp 07-26-2007 01:54 PM

that was awesome!!!


jungleland 07-26-2007 02:02 PM

I was already sarcastically laughing my ass of when you said the iphone is better than a blackberry....

Glad this was a joke, because I was about to flame:razz: :razz:

jeremyckitching 07-26-2007 02:03 PM


crazydude 07-26-2007 02:05 PM

best thing I have seen so far today

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