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chris_in_ca 12-05-2006 12:12 PM

Detailed instructions for failing Bluetooth file transfers...
I gotta admit I am having problems getting this to work consistently. There are a few variables I was hoping someone withe more experience or a better history of success could help with..

I did have a single file transfer over properly and I was like 'cool' then went to play with some other feature but now I have no idea what I did to get it to work or what I changed since them with my phone setting or process that has things always failing.

I am using a Macintosh with OS X v.10.4.9 installed but some of these questions are connected (I think) to the Blackberry rather than the PC on the other end. When attempting to transfer files:
  1. On my Mac I have turned on on Bluetooth in System Preferences and set the bluetooth icon to appear in the menubar.
  2. On my Blackberry I go into the Media Browser application.
  3. While in the Media Browser get into a directory and "Receive Using Bluetooth"
  4. On my Blackberry I get a status screen that says "File Transfer -- Waiting for Connection"
  5. I jump over to my computer and 'Send File..' from the Bluetooth icon in the menubar.
  6. Up pops a file browse window -- I select the file to send.
  7. My Computer then brings up a status message that says "Waiting for Device"
  8. My Blackberry screen updates with a prompt for me to select what folder and filename to give the file being sent via bluetooth.
    (I think everything is working up until this point -- the two devices are talking to each other.. one knows the other one is sending, the other receiving, etc. etc.)
  9. On the blackberry I fumble though the menu to get to "Explore" and get the the /Media Card/blackberry/music directory and change the name of the file.
  10. I click enter and after a moment where things look like they are working (I get some connected, and beginning transfer and a status bar) then things fail and I get a "Transfer Failed" message.

I think the biggest frustration is that the blackberry just gives this generic error message -- never specifying what (specifically) is the problem with the attempted transfer. On top of that when I broke down the variables I realized there could be some issue I am unaware of at any point in the process.

So here are the variables:

Filenames -- Are there rules that I might be breaking here? Does there need to be a file extension? When I tried to enter one it seemed to cut it off? Is there a character limit? Are some characters unsupported?

File Size - Is there a limit or rules around file size..?

File Location - Are there certain directories you can or can't write to? Is the memory card off limits? Am I trying to force a file into a directory that doesn't allow it and that is why things are failing?

Media Card Settings - Does it need to be set on 'Mass Storage Mode Support - ON' to read and write via bluetooth..? Does it need to be set to off?


Can anyone help?

gfisher99 12-05-2006 05:21 PM

Get a PC.. Mine works every time! :razz:

chris_in_ca 12-05-2006 05:24 PM

Anyone with less expensive advice..?

nath_19 12-06-2006 02:49 PM

Same Problem
I have the same disgusting problem, I wanted to transfer pictures from an old Sony Ericson phone via bluetooth, I followed all the instructions on receving via bluetooth and it still does not work !!!!

I dont have a cable for the sony ericson phnoe and the I really need the picture. What elese can I do !!!!

chris_in_ca 12-06-2006 02:54 PM

Hrmm.. maybe you can buy an aftermarket cable?

It's not as cheap (free) as the bluetooth solution but it's cheaper than getting a new computer. :-)

You have probably already tried this but I'll throw it out there -- can you send yourself the pictures as email or MMS attachments?

- C

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