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DanUC6 01-09-2007 03:25 PM

8800 or iPhone?
Oh man I knew this day would come. It looks like I am leaving fellas. The apple in the sky is calling me. Full screen touchscreen, wifi, mac osx. Blackberry your going to need to do something drastic!!!!

blakeatl 01-09-2007 03:29 PM

Grass is greener complex. See you back on here in a few.

John Clark 01-09-2007 03:32 PM

how about make this a poll?

DanUC6 01-09-2007 03:43 PM

Poll sounds great!! As an avid mac user I actually thought this would nevr happen. But what it claims it can do, and having mac osx, there is no more ?'s here. I will not be certain that I will travel back. I was anticipating the 8800 like everyone else, but for this I can pass. 01-09-2007 03:44 PM

8800/8900, iPhone, or keep current BB?
I'm trying to decide... should I stay with my Pearl, upgrade to the 8800, or wait for the iPhone? Or maybe I'll get the 8800 and upgrade again in June when the iPhone is out 8-)

Apple - iPhone <<< check it out!

I just wonder if there will be anything even remotely similar to push email on the iPhone...

mortys11 01-09-2007 03:49 PM

i am not a mac user.... but they (apple) raised the bar if the iphone works as well as they claim.

sleek and sexy with all the function....8800 looks dated already.

and this is coming from a bb guy 100%

Michbb 01-09-2007 03:54 PM

tough to say.... yes I am drooling over the iphone and honestly this might be the 1 apple product that I would be willing to own but Im a Tmo customer for the reason of that's what gives me the best service where I live and the best price. So I have to say that overall those 2 things are enough for me to go out and buy the 8800 instead of switching carriers

John Clark 01-09-2007 03:55 PM

Keeping my Pearl.....However, now my wife is looking over my shoulder saying the iPhone was made for her!

moosehead 01-09-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by mortys11
i am not a mac user.... but they (apple) raised the bar if the iphone works as well as they claim.

sleek and sexy with all the function....8800 looks dated already.

and this is coming from a bb guy 100%

Totally Agree! I'm a 8700c user and toyed with the idea of getting a I have to ask myself why? Outed dated already.....

Before I'm sold on the iphone though i'd like to demo the touch screen keyboard...that's the only thing that has me concerned.

robpearl 01-09-2007 03:56 PM

this will be 2007 invention of the year. ships in June

mortys11 01-09-2007 04:05 PM

yes i agree....

looks good on "paper" but will it perform for real. (i like the 2MP cam...nice)

i am not a big fan of touch screens but apple might get this right.

what about the battery issue apple is notorious for?

push email?

we shall see!

i still love all the short cuts and convenience of bb system...been using for 4 yrs now...

RIM needs some design help for sure...look at the razr sales all on the design!

RIM has they need the form.

apple is making sci fi devices a reality!

schlepers 01-09-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by mortys11
yes i agree....

looks good on "paper" but will it perform for real.

i am not a big fan of touch screens but apple might get this right

+ the battery issue apple is notorious for

push email?

i still love all the short cuts and convenience of bb system

RIM needs some design help for sure...look at the razr sales all on the design!

RIM has they need the form.

apple is making sci fi devices a reality!

I can't wait!!!!!! Finally somebody gets it right.

FLIPP_96 01-09-2007 04:09 PM

I think I will stick to Blackberries. I don't like Apple. I don't want a Mac (I know that it can run office)I don't want an ipod (I like my mp3 player). So why would I want a $600 phone with a 2-year contract?

mortys11 01-09-2007 04:12 PM

cause its SICK!

albiesf 01-09-2007 04:35 PM

It's going to be tough to not get one of these things. Like many of you said, it looks good on paper, but until this thing actually ships, I won't get my hopes up just yet. Remember the Motorola Q? It looked great in demos...faster and easy to use...but then when it came out, well, you've heard the stories.

Batteries and the touch screen will be key for the iPhone. If you're not comfortable with either, then it won't make it. Admittedly, the 8800 now looks outdated (in terms of specs), and RIM should come up with a better carrier launch idea. I know this won't happen, but RIM should consider giving the 8800 to all of the carriers at the same time because the exclusivity clause only hurts adoption. Having the 8800 only on Cingular and T-Mo initially now sounds like a bad idea.

stac 01-09-2007 04:43 PM

I know one blackberry pearl that will be on eBay Jun 1st of this year... any offers? Seriously, though, Apple has a habit of breaking the mold, and in this case, they have FAR outdone themselves. You can question paper products all you want, but Apple also has a habit of producing what they say they will. I expect the iPhone to be the be-all, end-all of my mobile desires. The apps on the thing are not work-arounds - thy are full-fledged and powerful apps... and if they release a terminal application for it (to allow command line usage), geeks everywhere will carry NOTHING else.

I, for one, will be placing my order about 3 seconds after it hits the Apple store and pay for overnight shipping without a blink of an eye.

Kudos to Apple... as usual.

Not a Fanboy,

newyowker 01-09-2007 05:40 PM

I'm keeping my 8703e. I don't think some media functions and wifi (when I have EVDO) is a good enough reason to purchase one since the processor and memory are the same! As for the iPhone, I still haven't been able to find specs on it. Anyone know? Processor and RAM?

mortys11 01-09-2007 05:52 PM

RIM has to fire their Russian design Team !

secrecyguy 01-09-2007 05:59 PM

You forgot the option for "I don't know." but it's too late now.

I have no idea yet and I have to see what the monthly payments will be. I have a feeling it's going to be $29.99 for T-mobile and not $19.99. I also need to see what it can do and can not do. I also have to check the reviews and take a look at it in person.

DanUC6 01-09-2007 06:10 PM

The battery thing concerns me too. That thing looks like it drains some serious energy!!!! ..but it is Sick!!

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