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Raptor464 02-26-2010 02:18 PM

BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS Leaked
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JSanders 02-26-2010 03:59 PM

another download link:

9000 OS

Lemo 02-27-2010 02:19 AM

Has anyone loaded this new firmware?

Have the bugs from the previous v5 been corrected?

Shaolin 02-27-2010 11:13 AM

Installed it last night and played around with it for a bit.. Nothing noticeably different than from the last leak except I got my lock icon back without having to password protect my BB. Will play around with it more today to see if I can find anything different.

Lemo 02-27-2010 11:21 AM

Wirelessly posted

It would be good to know if they have fixed the auto connect with wifi, that was a big issue for me.

Shaolin 02-27-2010 11:52 AM

Wirelessly posted

I turned on my wifi and it autoconnected to my network.

I had an issue with my wifi when I ran 238, I had to delete my wifi profile and re-create it in order to make it work.

FrogDog 02-27-2010 12:45 PM

Loaded it last night. It seems that the WiFi issuse may be resolved. I turned off single profile scanning and connected automatically to my best access point. I will play with more through out the day. The desktop wallpaper still does not show up in the sub menu's. Have to reset the default theme then reactivate the theme I want to use to get some color in the background. Some of my apps open only slightly quicker or maybe it's me hoping that it does. Memory appears to be the same as .464 I get 36mb after install. So far so good; no complaints here.

darkamikaze 02-27-2010 04:00 PM

the quickest way to fix the wallpaper issue is to menu menu twice and go to options .. switch back from zen to today and zen back ( if you're using zen) and it fixes for me..

Lemo 02-27-2010 08:40 PM

Wirelessly posted

Are any of you guys running encryption when auto locked? And if so have you noticed any issues with threaded SMS's

kenv 02-27-2010 11:44 PM

Could someone explain to me, very succinctly, what advantages the OS has over the late versions?

IOW, what will I gain by upgrading, and will I lose anything, assuming that the Wi-Fi bug in 5.0 has been fixed? With the difference be noticeable with everyday use for someone with an average number of third party apps, including navigation, Internet video use, and the like?

Thanks very much.

darkie 02-28-2010 01:37 AM

I installed this beta today, jumped from 4.6 so I don't know what were the problems on the old .464.
Everything is running smooth, my wifi is working great and yes its automatically detecting and connecting to my home network.
There are two things that I didnt really like:
1.- The problem with the wallpaper when i change theme (as mentioned above)
2.- The view of the Phone Log list (when you press the green button once)
Somehow the rectangle to input a number is kinda big, and now entries are show with name and phonenumber, is there any way to change this?
if so i would really appreciate it.

Other than that, everything is perfect so far.
btw.. the internet is awesome, its really fast compared to my old 4.6 and applications run faster indeed.

Thanks for sharing the file =)

jimfraser 02-28-2010 08:00 AM

Wirelessly posted


Originally Posted by kenv
Could someone explain to me, very succinctly, what advantages the OS has over the late versions?

IOW, what will I gain by upgrading, and will I lose anything, assuming that the Wi-Fi bug in 5.0 has been fixed? With the difference be noticeable with everyday use for someone with an average number of third party apps, including navigation, Internet video use, and the like?

Thanks very much.

For me on BES, the biggest advantage is having a separate icon for corp e-mail. Corp e-mail is no longer only accessible under the general messages icon. It also seems quicker. Biggest negative, in my opinion, is that it takes up about 10 megs more memory.

kenv 02-28-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by jimfraser (Post 1572455)
Wirelessly posted

Biggest negative, in my opinion, is that it takes up about 10 megs more memory.

Thanks for your informative answer.

Now, I am running A clean boot starts out with about 21 megs of free memory and soon goes down to about 8 megs. I do have a fair number of apps and like to run some of them at the same time, but then that's what I got the BB for, instead of an iPhone.

So--if I upgrade to OS 5, am I going to start with 11 megs and go down from there?

SLR2005 02-28-2010 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by kenv (Post 1572527)
Thanks for your informative answer.

Now, I am running A clean boot starts out with about 21 megs of free memory and soon goes down to about 8 megs. I do have a fair number of apps and like to run some of them at the same time, but then that's what I got the BB for, instead of an iPhone.

So--if I upgrade to OS 5, am I going to start with 11 megs and go down from there?

if u dont have lots of apps, then u would love v5.0

and u dont have to use beta if u dont want, 5.0 is official and posted in files area.....i have it running and its great.....

u would love it....its faster.....text message layout is different, messenger is different....

kenv 02-28-2010 01:09 PM

Wirelessly posted


Originally Posted by SLR2005

Originally Posted by kenv (Post 1572527)
Thanks for your informative answer.

Now, I am running A clean boot starts out with about 21 megs of free memory and soon goes down to about 8 megs. I do have a fair number of apps and like to run some of them at the same time, but then that's what I got the BB for, instead of an iPhone.

So--if I upgrade to OS 5, am I going to start with 11 megs and go down from there?

if u dont have lots of apps, then u would love v5.0

and u dont have to use beta if u dont want, 5.0 is official and posted in files area.....i have it running and its great.....

u would love it....its faster.....text message layout is different, messenger is different....

if u dont have lots of apps, then u would love v5.0

Yes, I guess that's what I'm struggling with. Lots of apps is what the BB is all about, mainly, or at least it is for me. I wonder why RIM can't fix the memory issue when there is so much physical memory available in the BB itself.

MaxPayne79 02-28-2010 02:03 PM

i have 24 apps on my phone and it's running great. Unfortunately i do run out of ram from time to time but thats only cause certain apps don't return the ram they're supposed to. Once u figure which ones, u can manually retrieve ur ram.

i have noticed that icq and msn are two apps that hog an insane amount of ram. I haven't figured out why messaging apps are so huge. BBM is 3mb. 3mb! thats insane.

honestly, and don't take this the wrong way but, if ur looking for a phone than can carry a ton of apps, i suggest the 9700. Im actually thinking of changing up my phone...which hurts deep down inside cause me and my 9000 have been through a lot. now im gonna trade her in for a better version.

no matter how awesome the bold is. it's just outdated. Rim OSs are getting larger, apps are getting more sophisticated and the phone is just not able to keep up largely to its ram limitations. My B-day is coming up in april and i think i know what my gf is gonna get me ;)

However (i just clued in to what ur original question was), i could not go back to 4.6. Too my main complaint. And too ugly compared to 5.0. When it comes to the apps, i can always get rid of certain ones that i can live without...sort of.

And the new .509 update is pretty pimpin. Made the date too damn small but, hopefully enough people will b*tch and they'll fix it.


the-economist 02-28-2010 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by MaxPayne79 (Post 1572587)
i have 24 apps on my phone and it's running great. Unfortunately i do run out of ram from time to time

You have 24 apps installed in total or 24 apps running at the same time? Because with 24 apps in the background even if half of them are net-chatty you're looking at single digits battery time.

miamirulz29 02-28-2010 03:03 PM

I'm not understanding what the wallpaper issue is? Plus, how is the battery life on this os? Is there an increased memory in this os?

ashley123b 02-28-2010 06:08 PM

i need help plz
i need the wep code for a bold plz i really need it thanks

Mojoski 02-28-2010 06:38 PM

I've been using this release for most of the day today and it seems to be working pretty well. I have not noticed any of the garbled Bluetooth voice problem I had with the .411 release. Memory seems pretty good so far. Will post another update after I've used it a few days..

Oh, yeah.. Forgot to mention that VVM is included with this release and seems to work on AT&T out of the box..

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