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tND2k 11-10-2008 12:01 PM

How many users experience frequent memory leaks?
Just checking to see how many people here experience frequent memory leaks. I'm a 8310 user who uses email and bbm often with a low amount of 3rd party apps. I also store all my photos and anything else possible on a 2gb memory chip. Yet it's still quite often that I wake up in the morning to find all my BBM conversations have disappeared, and occassionally my emails as well.

Has this been sorted out on the Bold?

Other people I work with all say that they experience the same thing, whether it's the 83xx or 88xx series.


djm2 11-10-2008 12:11 PM

Well, it seems to leak pretty much all of the time, but because I anticipate that it has caused a problem with disappearing messages only once.

bbaratz 11-10-2008 12:17 PM

Memory leak
All the time. Had to delete programs to keep a minimum of 7.5 megs free so the hour glass didn't constantly spin. Running sprint 8830 with os Have to do 2-3 battery pulls a day and am not happy about it. Am taking it back to Sprint tomorrow to see what the blackberry tech has to say.

unreal 11-25-2008 06:21 PM

Pulling my battery
I pull my battery 3-4 times a day, because the device constantly runs low. Culprits have been some of the apps I have loaded -- Mobipocket, Viigo, NewsGator Go, Pocket Informant, and Microsoft Live Search are some I cannot live without but which seem to eat memory -- but I would rather lose messages (OK, not really) than lose these apps.

It is a serious, serious pain. I have tried lots of solutions including MaxMem, Aerize Optimizer, and MemoryUp, but none seem to really do much. I am stuck perpetually with less than 3.5 megs free, which soon dwindles to zero on a daily basis, even if I don't do much of *anything* with my device.

jfkeith 11-25-2008 06:43 PM

constant struggle with my blackberry, but it's nothing that would ever make me get rid of it

Godzilla07 11-25-2008 09:22 PM

It's not bad but Viigo leaks bad. If I forget to close it, 3 MB gone in about 10-20 minutes. At least it isn't as bad as older 4.5 versions where I had to do 2-3 battery pulls a day.

SteveO86 11-25-2008 09:47 PM

Wirelessly posted

Hhmm, and I only do a battery once every week or 2.

I must say I had to watch my memory more so on 8830 then my 8330. I've gotten a bunch of applications installed to. (Cram, Viigo, Datavault, BeamReader, DTG, etc)

I did lose a load of Calendar entries (almost all of them) mysteriously, I am going to blame memory leak but I NEVER let my memory get that low, but I was able to re-sync with my Outlook. (Thanks god)

mmcpher 11-25-2008 11:26 PM

Bold non-leaking memory
I'd heard a lot about memory leaks with the Bold, but so far so good. While I have pulled that battery quite a few times over the last few weeks, it has always been in response to my fiddling and installing or re-installing 3rd party apps. The only time I've noticed the dreaded hour glass was when I installed a theme that had a moving picture as a background, but as soon as I ash-canned that, it has been back to normal and very satisfactory operation. More stable than any other BlackBerry I've owned.

takeshi 11-26-2008 10:39 AM

Never had these problems on any of my BB's.

What specific OS version are you running? What apps do you have loaded and what do you leave running in the background? Memory issues aren't unique to a given model nor is a given model totally immune to them. Even if someone has a particular BB model on a particular OS build that doesn't experience memory leaks that doesn't mean that that BB can't end up with leaks in the future due to a leaky app or leaky OS upgrade.

You need to pinpoint the cause and resolve it if you're experiencing issues.

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