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skyman84 11-19-2008 03:47 AM

Browser selecting incorrect browser...
Hi folks,

Problem we have is this, on eof the guys on my BES has just got a new storm from Vodafone. All activated and functioning great, webaccess, data, emails everything.....apart from...... when he trys to use the applications that are part pre-loaded into the phone, they can't connect to the internet to downlaod and install the rest of the app.

for example;
He's got a facebook app icon in the applications folder, now when clicks it, it attempts to connect to the internet to download and install the rest of the app, however he gets a connection refused message.

I've managed to track down the problem....but can't figure out how to fix it!

The web browser he uses to surf the web (which is working!) is set to use Blackberry Browser as default settings (Browser>Options>Browser Configuration>Browser: BlackBerry Browser) which works and is what I want. However, when one of these icons is pressed, it opens up the BlackBerry Browser and fails to connect, I've checked out the browser settings and it's set to Internet Browser. It lets me change it to Blackberry Browser, but when I save it, and go straight back into the screen it's changed back to Internet Browser.

So my question it this, it there anyway to either force the application we're trying to run to use the default browser settings (BlcakBerry Browser) or removed the option of Internet Browser compleatly from the device??

Just to let you know, I've set the option in the options menu to default to the BlackBerry browser, and resent service books.

What effect would it give if I deletead all the service books on the device did a battery pull, and the resent them??

Any help would be greatly apprichiated.


akosnitzky 11-19-2008 06:09 AM

Wirelessly posted (Verizon 8830)

Is facebook compatible with 4.7??? Resending the service books and pulling the battery will NOT hurt your device and is worth trying.

skyman84 11-19-2008 06:47 AM


I removed "ALL" service books, THEN resent the service books, this has fixed the problem!

And, yes, facebook is compatable with the storm!


takeshi 11-19-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by skyman84 (Post 1174463)
The web browser he uses to surf the web (which is working!) is set to use Blackberry Browser as default settings (Browser>Options>Browser Configuration>Browser: BlackBerry Browser) which works and is what I want.

That doesn't set the default browser. It's just a field to select which browser you're setting the options for (they each have their own settings).

You're looking for Browser->Options->General Properties->Default Browser. ;-)

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