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mslomanski 07-24-2009 04:59 PM

Legal Troubles - BES - SMS, BBM, MMS Logs or History

Ok - I am in a bit of a pinch. I admin a BES for about 55 users. Of recent days some allegations have been made against an employee and HR is involved as well as lawyers and all that fun stuff.

With that said... I only found out after it was too late that by default there is no message logging for Blackberry Messenger. Basically this person is alleging everything took place in BBM. Is there anyway I can get a history or some kind of log whether from the BB or the BES itself? I am racking my brain and cannot figure anything out, other than "We were not logging those conversations as they are device to device, blah blah.". I do have both BB in question in my possession. Any help is greatly appreciated. I look forward to being part of this community. TIA for any help or insight.

Sorry for crosspost I could not figure out how to del the original one in which I mislocated.

dumbnative 07-24-2009 05:40 PM

Wirelessly posted (8830 thru Sprint)

I don't have an answer, but I am curious about what might happen, so please let us know what comes about. Lol

TargetIT 07-24-2009 06:38 PM

The policy for that just instructs the BB to send it on via email, if it's not set, then it's lost.

jibi 07-25-2009 10:23 AM

Correct. The message logging for BBM was not implemented the same way as PIN, SMS, and Phone Call logs. It is more than noticeable when enabled. I know there are feature enhancement requests to bring these in alignment with the current covert implementation of the other services, although I doubt we'll see it anytime soon (and it would likely require some sort of major code change on the handheld software and/or BlackBerry Messenger side). It is worth noting that MMS messages are not logged, either.

icontech 07-27-2009 09:31 AM

If BB messenger is not being logged on the BES then you are probably not going to find any of the conversations.

The carrier might have records of the date/time PIN messages were sent and received but I wouldn't imagine they could find the body of the messages which is probably what you're looking for...

skyman84 07-27-2009 09:33 AM

The content can't be logged, which is why we disable the BBM on all Corp BBs

rsenio 07-27-2009 09:41 AM

bbm content CAN be logged, we have been doing it for months. However, if it's not currently logged I dont think your going to get the info you need form the device.

icontech 07-27-2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by skyman84 (Post 1438350)
The content can't be logged, which is why we disable the BBM on all Corp BBs

Looks like you can setup a log but it emails it to you like TargetIT said above.

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penguin3107 07-27-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by rsenio (Post 1438356)
bbm content CAN be logged, we have been doing it for months. However, if it's not currently logged I dont think your going to get the info you need form the device.

Semantics... but it's not exactly logged. It's audited, by emailing the content of the conversations to a designated auditor's email address.
(As Jibi mentions above.)

usedtobeatreo 07-28-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by mslomanski (Post 1436715)

Ok - I am in a bit of a pinch. I admin a BES for about 55 users. Of recent days some allegations have been made against an employee and HR is involved as well as lawyers and all that fun stuff.

With that said... I only found out after it was too late that by default there is no message logging for Blackberry Messenger. Basically this person is alleging everything took place in BBM. Is there anyway I can get a history or some kind of log whether from the BB or the BES itself? I am racking my brain and cannot figure anything out, other than "We were not logging those conversations as they are device to device, blah blah.". I do have both BB in question in my possession. Any help is greatly appreciated. I look forward to being part of this community. TIA for any help or insight.

Sorry for crosspost I could not figure out how to del the original one in which I mislocated.

Any chance of obtaining the phone and utilizing some forensic software?
Paraben Corporation makes a pretty cool app and you dn their trial.

cyclops_1 07-28-2009 09:07 PM

how do you setup the auditing or logging for the bbm?

i'm having a similar issue/request with call logs and txt msg logs. i have the call logs but can't seem to locate the txt msg logs. mainly looking for who, what, when, subject and content would be great but i'm not sure this is doable.


hdawg 07-28-2009 11:06 PM

do you have logging enabled for SMS messages? They are not enabled by default ... read: KB05024 - Turn on BlackBerry smartphone PIN and SMS logging with BES 4.1

... and for BBM logging: KB13805 - Turn on logging for BlackBerry Messenger

southpaw35 07-29-2009 02:12 PM

Just to let you know for future reference here is a product that will store all text messages that gives you Electronic retention of SMS, PIN messages and phone usage data

Look up GWAVA and look for Retain for Blackberry, it will reside on your BES.

knottyrope 09-22-2009 07:31 PM

ah oops

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