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berrydeezz 10-13-2009 06:53 PM

When is it time to give up on blackberry?
I like blackberry's because they are pretty simple to use but honestly with the iphone, palm, and android phones I really don't see what the advantage of having a blackberry is. I mean battery life I guess and push email and I can use it and drive. Other than that it feels dated. I can't even tell blackberries apart, I had a 8830 and nothing has changed since then.

Oh and the keyboard, best keyboards ever.

MidnightDraven 10-13-2009 07:00 PM

ALOT has changed since the 8830.

The biggest advantage (at least over the iphone, as im not familiar with the palm etc) is the fact you can remove the battery.
If the iphone's battery goes, you need a completely new phone, not just a battery.

rambo47 10-13-2009 07:31 PM

Physical keypad. 'Nuf said.

DacyJ 10-13-2009 07:37 PM

Wirelessly posted (My name is Bubbles)

Because anything other than Blackberry is a fad.

rambo47 10-13-2009 07:52 PM

BlackBerrys have stood the test of time, and have remained true to their original purpose, because they do it so well. And that purpose is business-grade communication and PIM. Like the shark, virtually unchanged by millions of years of evolution, when you have the right design you stick with it.

If you want a fad, go buy one of those genetically engineered, glow-in-the-dark goldfish. Or an iPhone.

penguin3107 10-13-2009 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by berrydeezz (Post 1488528)
I had a 8830 and nothing has changed since then.


phil325 10-13-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by rambo47 (Post 1488558)
BlackBerrys have stood the test of time, and have remained true to their original purpose, because they do it so well. And that purpose is business-grade communication and PIM. Like the shark, virtually unchanged by millions of years of evolution, when you have the right design you stick with it.

If you want a fad, go buy one of those genetically engineered, glow-in-the-dark goldfish. Or an iPhone.

haha i like how you compared the consistent quality of the blackberry to the evolutionary direction of sharks.

PuckerBerry 10-13-2009 09:39 PM

BlackBerry = Adults

iPhone = Kids

GT5L 10-13-2009 09:57 PM

Never, I can never quit on the bb. I have 3, yes three of them. 1 for work and 2 for personal use. I also use an iphone, so right now my 2 personal ones are do not have the batteries in them. But I am getting my fix using the 9000 from work.

wajical 10-14-2009 10:16 AM

I am new to Blackberry. I moved from a WinMo phone that i loved very much. But I want a little more simple UI, and MS was starting to drive me crazy with their crummy device manager software. I landed on Blackberry for one simple reason and I have friends with the iPhone.

Blackberry= Getting work done
WinMo= trying to get work done
iPhone= never get work done, because it is a glorified iPod with games and the ability to call people.

Personally I need something to keep in contact with people on a number of different levels, and also work away from my office.

rambo47 10-14-2009 11:51 AM

I've tried to like Windows Mobile. Tons of apps, powerful/configurable OS, and in a Windows world it's nice to have something that (supposedly) integrates seamlessly with pc's. But the menus and sub-menus and sub-sub-menus you have to drill through to get some simple things done drives me nuts. And instability is still an issue, even with WinMo 6.5. It's gotten better, but it's not up to BlackBerry standards.

Sydman 10-16-2009 03:30 PM

You gave all these good things about BB's. Good battery life, easy to use, best keyboard, with all those +'s why go with anything else. You don't wanna suckle at the trendy teet of the iphone.

fizz 10-18-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by berrydeezz (Post 1488528)
I like blackberry's because they are pretty simple to use but honestly with the iphone, palm, and android phones I really don't see what the advantage of having a blackberry is. I mean battery life I guess and push email and I can use it and drive. Other than that it feels dated. I can't even tell blackberries apart, I had a 8830 and nothing has changed since then.

Oh and the keyboard, best keyboards ever.

nothing has changed since your 8830? I think it's time for you to give up since your already on negative street especially if you have to ask IMO.
FYI, I almost considered the Palm Pre (shame on me) but after comparing every single thing that i rely on that my BB has, that idea sailed easily.

wibbly 10-19-2009 03:27 AM

As others have said.

I am a BB fan, and don't own an iPhone - but the iPhone has the best UI bar none still. So *if* you like touch screens and the UI has very high value for you (perhaps at the expense of the other stuff mentioned above), you may not be disappointed with an iPhone.

And having played with other devices, none seem to have the UI of the iPhone, or the utility of the BB - they seem to attempt to match one or the other, and fail. But much has also to do with what you're familiar with. I, for example, can't get on with Symbian based phones at all - millions of people do...

pcwilliams 10-19-2009 02:15 PM

i admit, i switched to a winmo phone for about a week (htc ozone). it looked similar to a bberry & it had some nice features, but most of the features could not match the blackberry. the only reason i looked was because of my impatience...i want a ph w/ a physical kybd, wifi, & is global ready. at this time verizon doesn't have a blackberry that has all the that (i will wait for the tour2). IMO, if u r lookin for somethin different, one of those other phone's may work for you, but for me, i want a rock solid phone that handles messaging, & imo mmedia...i'm stickin w/ the bberry.

xxDruMMer BoYxx 10-19-2009 10:26 PM

I believe with all of these responses you should have been convinced or at least enough to give you a thought about whether u should leave your Blackberry. If it hasn't, then I believe its safe to say then u should go try the other phone(s), and we'll wait for u when u come back. ;-)

ItsAllVerbatim 10-20-2009 08:28 AM

How about...never?

I'm 24. I've been using BB's since 1999 (a 950 on SkyTel). I'm a DoD contractor, so I carry two BB's - mine (VZW Tour), and the one I'm issued (a Sprint 8830).

Nothing else compares. You'd think someone my age would prefer the iPhone, but most people appreciate push email, solid contact integration and security and consider the BlackBerry the industry standard.

It is the industry standard. There isn't anything better. Hell, we're issued BlackBerries. Think about that: not Motorola; not GE; not Samsung; not Nokias... BlackBerries. If there was something not made in Canada that could be fielded to the entire federal government and actually work, they'd use it. But there isn't.

kiddoc89 10-25-2009 04:23 PM

Keep your BB, as it's the best, get an Ipod touch to do all the iphone stuff besides phone calls.

paramedic233 10-25-2009 05:02 PM

My wife and I tried the Palm Pre as we both needed access to work email on the go. Needless to say, they were both returned within the 30 day grace period due to shutting off, locking up and overheating issues. The final kicker for me was when I couldn't call medical control for a patient of mine. Luckily we have a failed communication protocol, and I did what I needed to do for the patient, but I decided then and there that the Palm Pre was a glorified toy, and went to my local Sprint store on my next day off and traded in my Pre for the Tour. My wife traded her's in soon after. And I have been happy ever since! 10-28-2009 05:58 PM

imo, the Palm Pre is the best device on the market. WebOS rocks. You have a real keyboard, albeit w/ keys a bit on the small side for those w/ big thumbs. Ability to have multiple apps open and flip screens kills iPhone & BB. And finally, Sprint's Any Mobile- Anytime plan beats the heck out of any plan offered by Verizon, AT&T or T-Mobile.

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