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impalass96 12-23-2009 01:30 PM

Yatca Twitter Client 1.8.2
Seems like the developers have been working hard on cooking up two updated versions with a lot of new features and support newer BB models. Yatca release is for devices running OS 4.6 and higher.

Yatca for OS 4.6 OTA:
Yatca for OS 4.7+ OTA:

Changelog and or updates per their site:

Rage Against The Müchine « Yatca

I jüst don’t like üsing those other Twitter clients and seeing as the official RIM client hasn’t surfaced yet, I thought I’d do another Yatca release to tide myself over for a while. There are now two different OTA installers for Yatca depending on your OS version. One installer is for users running OS 4.6 or 4.6.1, and the second is for users running OS 4.7 and higher. Please be careful to choose the correct installer for your device (check under Options -> About if you’re not sure). Here’s what’s new:

1. For Storm and Storm2 users, touchscreen support is now much improved. When reading a tweet you can swipe left to advance to the next tweet or swipe right to go back to the previous tweet. Also, the virtual keyboard now shows and hides itself automatically depending on what you’re doing (e.g. in the reading panel it is hidden but it appears if you start writing a reply).

2. Yatca picks up stuff that that your friends have retweeted using native Twitter retweeting. Yes, I know there should be something displayed to tell you which of your friends have retweeted it but I haven’t gotten around to that yet.

3. Yatca itself uses native Twitter retweeting now. If you really prefer to old-style “RT @superman: I am so strong!” convention then the ‘Old style retweeting’ option will enable you to revert back to doing it that way.

4. Timeline refresh and mention checking will now only occur when your device is idle, so you won’t suffer the irritation of the progress message popping up when you’re in the middle of doing something. Hurray!

5. If you use the ‘Pause Yatca Refresh’ command and then restart your device, Yatca will now stay paused. Previously, refresh resumed following on restart.

6. When composing an update, reply, or retweet, you are not hard-limited to 140 characters. You are still limited to 140 characters when you actually send the text but you now have a bit of wiggle room until you get to that point. I’ve explained this badly – try it out and you’ll see what I mean.

7. There is a new ‘Press enter to send’ option which does exactly what it says on the tin. This is disabled by default.

8. Yatca can now be configured to do an auto refresh as frequently as once every 2 minutes. As always, please remember that your battery life and data charges are entirely your responsibility!

9. There are a few aesthetic changes here and there, most noticeably to the appearance of buttons. This was mostly because the link-style buttons that I used previously looked pretty nasty on touchscreen devices.

akosnitzky 12-23-2009 01:40 PM

I see it goes right to your inbox. Yikes. Once you setup your options, I didnt see a way to go back. Its unique from the other twitter clients

akosnitzky 12-23-2009 01:55 PM

If it can setup a separate e-mail acct like you would on BIS, I can see a place for this app

impalass96 12-23-2009 01:58 PM

Went into Yatca options, timeline is not on my inbox anymore... But when I open the App, there is still no timeline within!,,, :(

akosnitzky 12-23-2009 02:01 PM

Maybe we need to wait for 2.0

impalass96 12-23-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by akosnitzky (Post 1533773)
Maybe we need to wait for 2.0

I agree, Uninstalling!

emacf1 12-23-2009 02:44 PM

This is IMHO the best twitter client available for the BB - I simply love how it integrates into the normal message app - works flawless on my Storm2

akosnitzky 12-23-2009 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by emacf1 (Post 1533800)
This is IMHO the best twitter client available for the BB - I simply love how it integrates into the normal message app - works flawless on my Storm2

My problem is what I would do if i am getting 100 emails a day from multiple email accts and dealing with constant feeds from 300 or more twitter accts

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