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SDCromer 12-13-2005 09:49 PM

7130 Calendar Problem
I got my 7130e today. Activated it and went through enterprise activation as well. No 3rd party software has been installed. When I opened my calendar for the first time it was in the "day view". I clicked the trackwheel to set the initial view to "month view". The calendar locked up and I had to remove the battery to get it out to the home screen. Now when I go into the calendar it has a view of January and all is blank. Nothing works and it I try to execute any trackwheel commands it just locks up again.

Any ideas?

speedbagger 12-14-2005 10:02 AM

same thing happened to me when i activated BES through my corporation......anyway, after numerous calls with both verizon and bb and RIM, after reinstalling software version 4 and wiping the handheld, the problem is still present.

i've since abandoned BES and my calendar now works.
i know this doesn't really help, but i thought i'd chime in your not alone.

SDCromer 12-14-2005 10:14 AM

Working with our tech support I found the problem. Calendar entries that repeat were causing the problem. I deleted all of the calenar entries that repeat, go to service books and delete and undelete CICAL service book, pull the battery and make the berry reboot, and the calendar works fine. I was then able to go back into Lotus Notes and re-enter the calendar entries with repeats and they came through just fine.

Since then it has worked OK - [keeping fingers crossed]. (y)

bdestephen 12-14-2005 11:06 AM

I had a similar issue. My 7130e would freeze and it was determined that it was the US holidays that were automatically inserted caused the issue. Whenever using wireless sync, it would crash. When using a local sync, it would allow me to view the entries. I am on a BES 2.2 server.

bdestephen 12-14-2005 11:07 AM

SDCromer, did you end up deleting your repeating calendar entries from Notes ?

SDCromer 12-14-2005 11:55 AM

Yes. I deleated the events with repeating entries in Lotus Notes long enough to get the calendar viewable on the 7130e. Then I re-entered the events with repeating entries in Lotus Notes after I had removed the battery and let the 7130e re-boot. The new meetings with repeats came through fine after that.

DCbbuser 12-14-2005 03:50 PM

I am having the exact same issue as you describe but your steps did not fix my issue. As with speedbager, not until I switch my calendar back to Notes from BES will it work again.

SDCromer 12-14-2005 04:18 PM

DC - did you delete and undelete the calendar service book? Desktop [CICAL]

SDCromer 12-14-2005 06:17 PM

Another thing that the tech support guy told me was to always turn the radio off before connecting the 7130e to the laptop for charging or desktop manager. He said that desktop manager would disable/corrupt my service book or something to that effect. This sounds a little fishy to me. Anyone care to comment? I though that the big selling of the 7130e is tethered operation. He may have fixed the calendar issue, but I think he's smokin' something with this connect issue.

bdestephen 12-15-2005 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by SDCromer
Another thing that the tech support guy told me was to always turn the radio off before connecting the 7130e to the laptop for charging or desktop manager. He said that desktop manager would disable/corrupt my service book or something to that effect. This sounds a little fishy to me. Anyone care to comment? I though that the big selling of the 7130e is tethered operation. He may have fixed the calendar issue, but I think he's smokin' something with this connect issue.

Agreed... Smoking the crackberry.

That is unless there is more software/code issues with

DCbbuser 12-15-2005 08:32 AM

Yes, I did delete and undelete the CICAL service book. I simply deleted it and then right after that I undeleted it. Was that the correct procedure or should I have done something in between those two actions? That radio thing sounds a bit fishy to me as well.

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