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nwest33 03-15-2010 03:31 PM

Can't delete SMS messages
On 5.0. If I have an old SMS in the list and some one else sends me one, it looks like the person who I have an old text from actually did. It actually takes all my conversations and makes it look like it came from one person.

So I try to delete the conversation, but it doesn't work. I do have BB messenger. I bet if I deleted it, that would fix my SMS issue. Any advice?

kirrinjones 03-15-2010 06:25 PM

Hmmm, first let me say, BBM and SMS are not related, so deleting BBM will not affect your SMS and vice versa.

If its not too much of a pain, then I would suggest that you delete all your SMS if you can't delete that one. Using the Delete Prior option from the menu may do the trick. I had to restore this method to help a friend (short of wiping the device). It worked in that situation.

Hope someone else has a better idea, if not...well...

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