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darkcloud154 06-21-2010 02:24 AM

MSN Messenger History Issues
I have MSN messenger installed on my Bold 9700. Yesterday i had a long conv on msn via my blackberry. I had already set the options on MSN to save message history to the device.

But after having closed the conversation and signed out and then re-signing in i found that only PART of the conv had been saved and this had been done in 2 chunks rather than saving the whole conv as a whole? Considering the PC version saves it all i find it weird it has done this on the phone??

Is there anyway i can retrieve the rest of it on my phone i.e. could it be somewhere in the cache? I downloaded and used filescout to see if i could find anything but all i could was the 2 CSV files the app had saved? How can the whole conv go missing? Must be somewhere on the device?

Any suggestions?

Damaged7 06-21-2010 05:35 AM

Wirelessly posted (Bold 9000)

Perhaps mobile MSN has a smaller capacity for saved convos. It might just be that there is only a certain amount of memory dedicated for this feature.

darkcloud154 06-21-2010 05:42 AM

Sounds abt right, but im sure i didnt have this issue in the past!

Also why has it saved it in 2 chunks one after the other rather than 1?

Would the remaining part of the conv not be stored somewhere in the cache on the device?

Damaged7 06-21-2010 09:31 AM

Wirelessly posted (Bold 9000)

I would think that maybe the convo passed the size limit, so it made a second log. That's just my best guess, sorry I can't help you.

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