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Shanx3 12-18-2010 12:37 PM

Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
I have a blackberry curve, and last night I knocked it into a sink. I grabbed it straight out but it was fully submerged. I immediatly took out the battery and dried it the best I could with a towel. It had turned off so I placed all the parts in the airing cupboard.
I was at a friends house, and we were going out clubbing, so I wrapped all the pieces up and put them (separatley) into my bag. When I got home I left it in the airing cupboard over night.
The next morning I tried it and it worked fine! Loaded up and could text/call/facebook everything! This lasted for about half an hour. Then it crashed on me. So reading the advice on the internet I put the phone and baterry in a tub of rice (and put the rice in the airing cupboard, lol.)
It was left in there for a pretty long time, but whenever I try to turn it on, the red light goes on, it goes to the loading screen, but it doesnt load. It goes black, the red light goes back on, then it goes to the loading screen again. This just repetes.
When I plug it into the charger without the battery the red light goes on, and I read this means the battery is basically done for, so I should replace it. Any ideas on what to do now?

Dubdub 12-18-2010 12:58 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
Since you put the battery in without it thoroughly drying, you probably fried the device.

When one gets wet, we recommend placing it in a bag of uncooked rice for 4-5 days.

From our FAQ: Got Your BlackBerry Wet? - BlackBerryFAQ

Shanx3 12-18-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
Thanks, I have taken a look. The battery moisture sticker is completly pink, so does this mean it wont work again and I should get a new battery?

rfvasquez 12-18-2010 02:33 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
I think he said your device is cooked/ruined - you tried it too soon without it thoroughly drying out.

Shanx3 12-19-2010 02:14 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
Oh no :( but the light still goes on and the loading screen appears which makes me think that a new battery might save it! I'm planning on trying my friends bb battery in to see if it works, before getting a new one on the insurence.

Motorcycle Mama 12-19-2010 02:30 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
No. You turned it on before it was completely dry. The damage is done to the device. And it is most likely permanent at this point.

Dubdub 12-19-2010 03:19 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
It isn't a battery problem. You fried the internal electronics.

Shanx3 12-20-2010 01:55 PM

Re: Dropped my Blackberry Curve in water! Help!
Ok thanks. I got a new device (just the front bit, screen etc and it seems to be working fine now. Cheers for the help

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