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akhilsood 07-22-2011 01:22 AM

Whatsapp Duplicating Contacts
I m sick and tired of installing reinstalling whatsapp again and again, just to figure out what the hell is the reason behind duplicating contacts.

I still cant figure out why do i have duplicate contacts, i have checked the settings and advanced settings for whatsapp and blackberry but just havnt been able to figure out how to fix it! Though i m quite sure this is whatsapp thats duplicating them, coz i tried deleting the contacts manually and then i can send any message through whatsapp to any of the remaining, it just show me them as a contact and would let me message them.

I even disabled contact sync with emails just in case that was the reason but to no avail. I would really like someone to help me out with this, coz im new to this blackberry dillema that comes with the bb service!

I m on the verge of deleting whatsapp, but its just too useful for me that i wouldnt want to, but this duplicating contacts issue will definately make me!

Please someone please help me!

Thank You!

tsac 07-22-2011 03:46 PM

Re: Whatsapp Duplicating Contacts
Doing some reading on various sites, it seems they have a lot of issues and do not have solutions for all of them. Most suggested sending an email to their help desk.

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