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cheflionfoot 06-09-2007 03:19 PM

Can the Blackberry ..... ?
I am a treo 700 frustrated owner looking to make the plunge to the 8830. I have some specific questions for anyone willing to answer. There are programs on my palm that I use constantly and need to know if there is a BB equiv/

Email (that's a given)- I know BB's rep for email, but I use chatter email on an imap system and able to sort mail into folders back to the srver from my palm. Can I do that on the BB

Does the email have reminder tones for unchecked emails?

Does voicemail have reminder tones for unchecked voice mails? (palm does not, drives me crazy)

Is there a To Do list with reminder alarms?

Can I create Word Documents on the BB?

Can I create Excel Documents on the BB?

Is there a memo/notes feature?

Does the calendar have reminder alarms for appointments?

I use Quicken on the Palm. Is there anything that i can use that will sync back to my quicken desk top for on the road updtaes?

Does the BB have security to lock the unit and require a pass word?

Does the BB have "masking" of private contact?

That's some of the questions. Seriously thinking of making the leap ......

dc/dc 06-09-2007 03:24 PM

You need to do your own research. Using the search feature of this forum would be a good place to start. There is a link in my signature.

x14 06-09-2007 03:38 PM

Here's the 8830 User Guide.

cheflionfoot 06-09-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by dc/dc (Post 563197)
You need to do your own research. Using the search feature of this forum would be a good place to start. There is a link in my signature.

Thank you for the redirection. However, I will admit that I am somewhat shocked. Having come from other forums over the years for other smart phone devices, I found the users very cooperative and happily willing to supply answers. I thought that was what these forums were for. If I had the time to go through tons of web sites to "research" a device before purchasing, I would not ask those questions. That's like me walking up to someone with a Blackberry and saying "Nice device, can it create documents?" and get a reply, "You'll have to do your own research". Very disappointed ......

juwaack68 06-09-2007 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
I am a treo 700 frustrated owner looking to make the plunge to the 8830. I have some specific questions for anyone willing to answer. There are programs on my palm that I use constantly and need to know if there is a BB equiv/

Let's see...


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Email (that's a given)- I know BB's rep for email, but I use chatter email on an imap system and able to sort mail into folders back to the srver from my palm. Can I do that on the BB

- If you are on a BES you can file email into folder


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the email have reminder tones for unchecked emails?

- No


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does voicemail have reminder tones for unchecked voice mails? (palm does not, drives me crazy)

- No, only an icon that indicates a voicemail. Some devices will have a (free) text message show in the Messages app that tell you there is voicemail.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Is there a To Do list with reminder alarms?

- There is a Tasks application, and I believe you can set reminders.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Can I create Word Documents on the BB?

- No


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Can I create Excel Documents on the BB?

- No


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Is there a memo/notes feature?

- Yes


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the calendar have reminder alarms for appointments?

- Yes


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
I use Quicken on the Palm. Is there anything that i can use that will sync back to my quicken desk top for on the road updtaes?

- Not sure, I'd search for something, or the Aftermarket Forum here.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the BB have security to lock the unit and require a pass word?

- Yes, maximum length before lock is 1 hour, can go as short as 2 mins.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the BB have "masking" of private contact?

- No

dc/dc 06-09-2007 04:06 PM


cheflionfoot 06-09-2007 04:19 PM

Thanks so much juwaak! Great help. At least I know that there are some cooperative BB users out there.

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a BES

FSUFAN1200 06-09-2007 04:21 PM

cheflionfoot>>>> There are bad-apples on every forum. hang in there, and i'm sure someone will chime in, and assist you! Being you are an ex-palm 700user, as I was, you will love your newly aquired Blackberry!!


juwaack68 06-09-2007 04:48 PM

BES stands for Blackberry Enterprise Server. Typically if you received your BB from work, you would be attached to your company's BES. However, there are also 'hosted' BES companys.

If you went and bought the device on your own, you would use BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) - where you would log into your carriers website to a special page for setting up your email.

RoC1909 06-09-2007 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563242)
Thanks so much juwaak! Great help. At least I know that there are some cooperative BB users out there.

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a BES

Me being a new user as well as a new forum member myself, I have to agree with dc/dc post. People need to do their own homework first before clogging up a forum with thousands of the same questions.

At the TOP of this VERY FORUM is a thread for videos and for tip sheets & manuals. I don't know how much clearer it can get for a new user as well as someone 'thinking' about switching over to a BB than to click on the link and learn to their hearts content. Also, has ALL of the information that you wanted with easy links. I just don't understand why someone would ask the type of questions you did when the SEARCH button is available or above all, GOOGLE has been created.

Maybe I am just more forum savvy but I always try to respect the "members of the house" when I am a visitor and not repeat what has been repeated a thousand times already or is within one 'easy to reach' forum post.

Just my two cents.

cheflionfoot 06-09-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by RoC1909 (Post 563473)

At the TOP of this VERY FORUM is a thread for videos and for tip sheets & manuals. I don't know how much clearer it can get for a new user as well as someone 'thinking' about switching over to a BB than to click on the link and learn to their hearts content. Also, has ALL of the information that you wanted with easy links. I just don't understand why someone would ask the type of questions you did when the SEARCH button is available or above all, GOOGLE has been created.

Just my two cents.

Thank you for your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it. FYI, I have been doing my own homework for the past 7 days, and decided that I would try some "friendly" blackberry forums with the questions to which i could not find answers. I did click on the tips & manuals thread to which you refer, but unless I am mistaken, someone's personal web page displaying photographs of their dog and their personal likes and dislikes is not going to answer the questions I have posted here. The re-direct link to the pdf of blackberry tips, very basic, four or five pages, and does not go into detail about the questions I have posted here. The Blackbery getting started guide pdf, all 46 pages long, do not address these questions posted here. I also do know how to use Google, and unfortunately, these particular questions are not directly answered as the information for Blackberry, even on the web site, does not answer these particular specific questions. Using the search engine on this forum does not direct me to any other threads that answer these questions in direct relation to the palm OS. I have downloaded the user manual for the blackberry 8830, and as with almost all manuals, it explains how to use the unit, but does not go into the ability to create documents, file emails within folders on an imap server etc. Within this very forum, if I were to type "create documents", the very first thread that would show up would be this one. Again, I apologize, as I was under the false impression that these forums were intended to help other users. Just my $0.02.

woodi68 06-09-2007 11:50 PM

juwaack68 that is an amazing and very patient response.

I know the forum contains information about EACH of these questions, but I highly doubt there's one that contains as many comprehensive questions/answers than this one from a CONCERNED Palm convert. I think it's great for former Palm users to be able to come into this one thread and read all their questions in one place. (though I've never seen a thread with quite so many questions all rolled into one post, that's impressive! And ALL answered in one response is even more impressive!

cheflionfoot, I like your attitude and spirit. It's a spirit of helpfulness, which is very kind. It never helps to kick someone when they're down.

Drfreeman82 06-10-2007 07:08 PM

Hey Cheflionfoot, feel free to pm about converting from a palm to blackberry. I migrated from a palm treo 650 to a blackberry 8830. I have to say that I love the new device and I would be more than happy to assist you with things I have figured out. I think you will be happy with the 8830.

joespys 06-12-2007 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563228)
Thank you for the redirection. However, I will admit that I am somewhat shocked. Having come from other forums over the years for other smart phone devices, I found the users very cooperative and happily willing to supply answers. I thought that was what these forums were for. If I had the time to go through tons of web sites to "research" a device before purchasing, I would not ask those questions. That's like me walking up to someone with a Blackberry and saying "Nice device, can it create documents?" and get a reply, "You'll have to do your own research". Very disappointed ......

The response wasn't meant to show you that we are not willing to help - but it's like walking into a car dealership ignoring the Pricing / Feature sheet and asking the salespeople assisting other customers with legitimate questions about their choice of car. - Also 7 days and not being able to see if you are able to see notes - answers that in 2 seconds. . . . so please don't insult the help on here. We are willing to help but this forum became successful by people putting in legwork and helping each other out with "out of the ordinary" questions - not questions by someone not wanting to do the work - by the 4 posts you have. . . I can see you want it the easy way and not collaborate your own information.

That's my $0.50 worth. . . . . .

dkowal 06-12-2007 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 563264)
BES stands for Blackberry Enterprise Server. Typically if you received your BB from work, you would be attached to your company's BES. However, there are also 'hosted' BES companys.

If you went and bought the device on your own, you would use BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) - where you would log into your carriers website to a special page for setting up your email.

A couple of comments:

1) With the BES; can you turn off the automatic PASSWORD feature that is enabled? After so many minutes, your BB is locked and you MUST enter a PSWD to re-gain access into your device. A little annoying. I am unable to DISABLE this feature set.

2) I am a former Treo 700w owner/user and the switch to the 8830 has been a very delightful experience for me, over all. Windows Mobile 5.0 leaves much to be desired.

3) If someone asks a question and you feel that the person should've done more research, then simply DON'T answer his question and go about your business. You are NOT required to answer everyone's question. Now, having said that, if you're more of the helpful type, then answer the question just like one of the users did. Case closed. To each his own. If you think someone was lazy and didn't do their homework first, that's great, your opinion. Simply ignore the message and move on. Going back and forth arguing about this and that , is more pointless. Either you choose to help someone out, or you don't. Either way is fine. It's your perogative. But "negative" comments is more non-productive.

4) I wish you good luck on the purchase of your new BB. If you need any insight from me, I'd be glad to help. A lot of it is trial and error, and what I call OJT. Dig around, ask around, invetigate. The ONUS is on the owner, but you're questions were valid and not out of line in my humble opinion. All those that helped, thank you very much for your POSITIVE attitudes.

Make it a great day, be positive folks.

bmwmpower 06-12-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by RoC1909 (Post 563473)
Me being a new user as well as a new forum member myself, I have to agree with dc/dc post. People need to do their own homework first before clogging up a forum with thousands of the same questions.

At the TOP of this VERY FORUM is a thread for videos and for tip sheets & manuals. I don't know how much clearer it can get for a new user as well as someone 'thinking' about switching over to a BB than to click on the link and learn to their hearts content. Also, has ALL of the information that you wanted with easy links. I just don't understand why someone would ask the type of questions you did when the SEARCH button is available or above all, GOOGLE has been created.

Maybe I am just more forum savvy but I always try to respect the "members of the house" when I am a visitor and not repeat what has been repeated a thousand times already or is within one 'easy to reach' forum post.

Just my two cents.

If someone's totally new to a particular device (as in this case) then it is understandable if he seeks quick answers to simple questions. It's not the easiest thing to do -- to dive into a 500-page user's manual/tip guide knowing NOTHING about the phone.

I am a former Palm user. Blackberry for life. SO much more reliable. :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb:

EmptyInTheHead 06-12-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by dkowal (Post 565459)
A couple of comments:

1) With the BES; can you turn off the automatic PASSWORD feature that is enabled? After so many minutes, your BB is locked and you MUST enter a PSWD to re-gain access into your device. A little annoying. I am unable to DISABLE this feature set.

The automatic password feature you are describing is something that your BES administrator turned on. That's why you can't turn it off. BES allows you company to manage their connected devices however they want. You will need to talk to your IT people about whether they are willing to change their policy, my guess is no.

Dawg 06-12-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by bmwmpower (Post 566272)
If someone's totally new to a particular device (as in this case) then it is understandable if he seeks quick answers to simple questions. It's not the easiest thing to do -- to dive into a 500-page user's manual/tip guide knowing NOTHING about the phone.

I am a former Palm user. Blackberry for life. SO much more reliable. :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb:

All were new to the device when we first got it. I for one want to learn any and everything about it I can. I came to BBF after googling questions I had. After arriving I met several here by searching first and foremost for my personal device.

After I learned the basics from searching more I moved on to bigger issues that I had to ask questions about and I admit I did ask a few I was hit with the same answer that the OP got except it wasnt quite as nice as my friend DC put it. So things have changed around here the mods do a great job weeding out the vipers.

The people here are very helpful especially the long time folks, so enjoy your time here but before asking questions that you know may have been answered ten thousand times, do a quick search.

DZD 06-13-2007 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the email have reminder tones for unchecked emails?

There isn't a reminder tone that will go off at intervals, however, you can set your device to make a tone when new mail is received. Likewise, you can set your LED indicator to blink red to notify of new mail. I believe the LED will blink red for about 15 minutes before defaulting back to no LED or green (if you have coverage indicator enabled).


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does voicemail have reminder tones for unchecked voice mails? (palm does not, drives me crazy)

Same answer as above.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Is there a To Do list with reminder alarms?

Absolutely - you can also modify your Calendar options to list upcoming tasks when using the "Agenda" view.


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563191)
Does the BB have "masking" of private contact?

I'm not familiar with this - what does masking a private contact do?

Thanks, welcome and good luck.

takeshi 06-13-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 563264)
If you went and bought the device on your own, you would use BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) - where you would log into your carriers website to a special page for setting up your email.

Most people use BIS. I'm on hosted BES for my personal BB (as are many others). As you can see, part of the problem is that there are a number of ways to handle things...


Originally Posted by cheflionfoot (Post 563522)
FYI, I have been doing my own homework for the past 7 days, and decided that I would try some "friendly" blackberry forums with the questions to which i could not find answers. I did click on the tips & manuals thread to which you refer, but unless I am mistaken, someone's personal web page displaying photographs of their dog and their personal likes and dislikes is not going to answer the questions I have posted here.

I'm not saying that this will address all your questions but have you checked out


Originally Posted by dkowal (Post 565459)
1) With the BES; can you turn off the automatic PASSWORD feature that is enabled? After so many minutes, your BB is locked and you MUST enter a PSWD to re-gain access into your device. A little annoying. I am unable to DISABLE this feature set.

It's not enabled by BES by default -- it's up to the BES admin. I have two BB's on two different BES servers and neither is required to have a password though I have opted to enable a password as I don't want others getting data off of either one if I happen to lose one or the other. I'd actually recommend having a password on any BB unless you're willing to share everything with the world. ;-)

If your BES admin has enacted an IT policy requiring the password you're pretty much stuck. You can remove it but the policy will just be pushed back to your BB and in many companies, tampering with IT policies is grounds for disciplinary action like any other corporate policies. They apparently thought it was a good idea for whatever reason. It's their property and their rules. That's precisely why I have a personal BB (well, that and you shouldn't consider anything on a company BES-connected BB as private).


Originally Posted by bmwmpower (Post 566272)
If someone's totally new to a particular device (as in this case) then it is understandable if he seeks quick answers to simple questions. It's not the easiest thing to do -- to dive into a 500-page user's manual/tip guide knowing NOTHING about the phone.

No, but every forum user should read the forum FAQ's and stickies (and ideally search first, but searching's tricky if you don't have the right keywords). In this case the FAQ's are at It's just standard forum etiquette to not clog the site with questions that are asked a dozen times each day. Every forum site has the potential to be a geat resource but it's impossible to find meaningful data when everyone is ignoring the sticky about how to (for example) avoid getting sent mail via gmail as new mail on the BB just because it's easier to post the question. There's a balance to be maintained but consult the resources that a forum site makes available as odds are that your question has already been asked and answered a thousand times. Not to mention that generally a bit of work has gone into creating those resources.

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