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Old 09-22-2008, 06:10 AM   #3
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Wirelessly posted (katarax)

I have the exact same problem. I saw the problem when I woke up two hour later than I needed. The alarm didn't go was clicking several times simultaneously and whenever I went to any menu it clicked all the way down to the last menu or function. I live in ukraine, but I bought an unlocked at&t from usa, and our provider doesn't service devices bought in any other places, so I have no warranty or whatever. I took a pen and got the trackball(BTW, not roll ball, use right definitions, because it helps others, when they search) out and used some vodka and cottonbud to clean the ball and the inner chamber. It lagged, then worked, then "autoclicked" again" then stopped working at all. I restarted the phone several times and noticed that the first very moment it works fine, but after 5 seconds it goes all mad again. So I believe it's more program error, not hardware. My friend said, that it works when you hold it just alittle bit longer(1-2 sec). Nowadays, it works 95% of time. So it must be some software error. If you find the certain cause of this problem, please let me know. Wow, I wrote kind of a novel)
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