Thread: Storm's camera
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Old 12-11-2008, 04:50 AM   #17
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Default Re: camera

So far this is the best camera on a phone yet for me.

I have had these camara phones.

sayno 5300 ---> first camera phone in the us. about 12 years or so back.
ppc6600 --> 1.3 mega pix, it sucked mega pics
ppc6700 --> 1.3 mega suxs
ppc6800 --> slightly better 1.3 mega sux
ppc6900 --> same 1.3 suck'z

iphone 3g --> so so pic's, not sure the mega pixels

g1 google phone --> another htc phone and the same ol so-so in bright light / crappy er than crappy in slightly dim light.

BB Storm --> 3.1 mega pix, solid in day or dim light.

Come on folks, its a phone with a tiny camera / sensor. There is a new technology coming out in the coming year or so, that will quadruple the quality of the tiny sensors. I cant remember the name of the company, but it was posted in engadget. com

Just my 2.5 cents.
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