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Old 12-15-2008, 04:32 PM   #1
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Exclamation BES Maintenance Document -- Requesting YOUR Input

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Hello Everyone!

I have not been logged on here for so long and looks like I have a LOT of catching up to do.

I am putting together a BES Maintenance Document and would like some input from my colleagues. I did a search and could not find an all in one thread but some bits and pieces here and there.

Note: This will NOT include Monitoring Solutions and the kind of handhelds but simply on the performance and maintenance on the BES Server. I will divide it into Exchange and Domino.

I am more of a Domino Person so guys If I miss anything on either side, please kindly educate me.

If you have done something like this and would be able to send me some details, I would appreciate it, to [email address]

As I maintain the server, I check the following:

1. BES Log Files for Errors
2. Windows Event Logs for Errors
3. Document current Software Level of the BES, OS and Mail Solution (Exchange and Domino)
4. Research New Patches available for the BES, OS and Mail solution and read the release notes and test in the test environment to ensure what it can break or fix.
5. Check the Log file size for BES to ensure it is not at a high level and keep upto 30 days and purge the rest of the log files if not needed.
6. Anti Virus on the BES Server is upto date with the latest definitions
7. The server is not over-whelmed with users and slowing it down (ie test mail delivery processing and sending and opening attachments).
8. Re-Evaluate the architecture if needed and make the necessary adjustments.
9. What is the backup solution and is it upto date with backing up the correct data and the version of the backup software? Is it slowing the server down?
10. Internet and WAN connection speed?
11. DR it up and running, working, replicating?
12. DOMINO: Atre all the State Databases going through a Fixup during the week and a compact? OR What are the current maintenance being performed on these DB's?
13. DOMINO: Analyze Log files for any types of errors (Corruption, SMTP Failure, etc).
14. When was the server last rebooted? What is the server reboot schedule?

I am trying to still gather more and typing this off the top. I would appreciate anyone's input, education, and perhaps knowledge they may be able to share.

Thank you.
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