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Old 01-19-2009, 10:25 PM   #15
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jan 2009
Model: 8330
Carrier: sprint
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by unbb View Post
Also...KILLER battery life compared to other smartphones I have had.
Well battery life should be a function of what's running right? The sales rep told me in the store to be sure to close my browser (and not just back out) on my Curve when I was done otherwise it would stay active and drain my battery. Besides the fact that this seemed a very stupid design in my opinion it points out that if other phones work the same way then maybe it's not really the phone but the user who is expecting too much from a battery. I will admit that the devs should make it so an app does not drain a battery when not in use or when the user backs out of it, but if they all behave that way and users refuse to basically "turn off the lights" then can we really blame the phone for draining the battery?
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