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Old 11-22-2005, 10:39 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by bbcruiser
After doing a little research on all the info you posted it seems like you are the same person as CW6447.
Congratulations Einstein, you broke the secret code...and without a decoder ring!! How did you guess that cdubya and CW6447 were the same?

Obviously power users surf around all of the popular forums looking for or providing info. I AM also cw6447 on the pdaphonehome forums as well as many other forums. If you look at all of my posts there you will quickly see that I am only interested in getting good information out to the user world and not trying to sell anyone on anything. I do not work for RIM. I already mentioned that we use RIM devices and also said that they are very feature poor. They are really only good for email. Their calendar and contact options have been very poor to date.

I am not going to sit idly by while a Good employee or anyone else puts information out to the public that I feel is not representative of the real world implementation of the product in question. I find it odd that you would more readily trust a salesman than the dozens of users who have used the products first hand. If you research the topic objectively you cannot possibly conclude anything other than this is a software with a lot of issues. Yes, it does have some good merits going for it. I love the fact that I can get my corporate email remotely and see my calendar real time. But it does this at the expense of almost everything else that is "multimedia" about my device. Please do your research before posting. It will keep you from looking silly.