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Old 03-02-2009, 07:57 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by dmead View Post
do hetero men go to clubs? I am unaware of a gay phonebook and any parade is kind of dumb and outdated imho. All I was saying is that straights advertise their straightness in the form of wedding/engagement anouncements. You can throw birth anouncements into that mix as well. but that is really another discussion alltogether and really isn't relevant to the topic at hand.

In the greater scheme of things though i really don't think that matters so much in the trenches so to speak. If someone wants to serve his/her country what the f*&k does it matter who they like to schtoop? I'm pretty sure that would be the farthest thing from your mind whilst getting shot at by al-queda or something. Like lunk said.
Yes straight men go to clubs, well, they exist and they will only use people who advertise in it. We made a boat load of cash advertising in it.

gay phone book - Google Search

How are parades outdated? I think they are great community events. Except during an election year then I hate them.

How do birth annoucments and marriage announcments have to do with coming out of the closet and being openly gay.
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