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Old 07-27-2009, 10:31 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by tateu View Post
Ok, so here are two options I can think of:
1) A Solid color square (maybe a circle?) that the temperature can be written onto.
2) Copy a 32x32 png image file onto your device, either onto the SDCard or system memory, and select it in the BBWeather options. BBWeather will then try and use that as its temperature icon. If it fails it can go back to the current blue square looking icon or option 1 above.

Do either of those sound ok? Or do you have something else in mind?
Either of the above would work. However, it would be great to try to display the temp, on the background, on top of the home screen icon. If the temp background imagecan be made smaller than the icon, we could give it some transparency and have the home screen icon show through a little. This is how it's done in BerryWeather and it works well with the right size and transparency. If possible, give the user the choice of temp font and size, as well as the image. That way you don't have to do the work (unless, of course, you want to
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