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Old 09-01-2009, 01:09 PM   #16
CrackBerry Addict
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Orlando, Florida
Model: 9530
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I had this very same issue long before the OS .100 + builds came into the arena.

I resolved the issue by doing a couple things:

#1 Deleting ALL applications I didn't use. ESPECIALLY VZ Navigator which seemed to have a mind of its own. Delete, delete, delete. Then save that particular image on your DM.

#2. Exit all applications via the Blackberry button menu. If you simply touch the end call button the application is still running and will drain your battery.

#3. Disable the GPS function.

Here is also a common sense notion. If you are using your phone to play games, listen to music and surf the internet extensively, and chatter on the phone you will not get a full day of use out of the phone.

Treat your Storm like a cellular phone / SMS device and your battery will do fine. If you want a gaming device or MP3 player, buy one. Even those devices dedicated to gaming and music listening are battery hogs.

If you try all the aforementioned remedies and still have battery issues, I suggest a new battery. If that still doesn't resolve the matter you might have a faulty unit.

I am using the same battery my Storm came with and I get a solid 12 hours of phone calling, emailing, and text chatter with about a quarter battery life left at the end of the long workday. The phone runs strong from 6 am to 6pm and is ready to rock again after an 8 hour charge.

Verizon 9530
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