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Old 09-05-2009, 10:34 PM   #62
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: May 2005
Model: 8703e
Carrier: Verizon Wireless
Posts: 46


I have NEVER had an experience where I acquired a new model device and didn't have the headaches the first few months. It is what it is...part of the early adopter's experience. However, jumping into an experience such as that, one should have expectations set relatively low.

My Kyocera 7135 Palm phone, Blackberry 7290, Blackberry 8703, and Blackberry 8830...all had issues. Those are just the ones that I picked up within a very early window of release. (The 8830 was so bad, I returned to the 8703e and used it up until the purchase of the Tour...actually, the real reason was that I truly missed my thumbwheel and wasn't ready to fully embrace the trackball during my short stunt with the 8830). Hell, we can all recall the plethora of near catastrophic bugs that the iPhone had during it's release, both in the original version AND the 3G version.

The Tour is a great phone. I've had a lot of fun with it this week and it's trackball is even growing quickly on me. Give it time to get a fair shake, and I guarantee that once all the kinks are worked out...every Tour owner will LOVE it! Don't be swayed to heavily by the rash of problem threads. It's easy for users that have issues with their phones to feel inspired to post negative on forums. The "majority", who most remain silent, have many success stories to share, but just don't feel a reason to inspire themselves to do so.
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