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Old 10-07-2009, 06:07 AM   #22
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Model: 8900
Carrier: Orange
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by c0ld View Post
Hi all

I actullay work for orange on the 3rd line support team, we deal mainly with network faults,mobile broadband, blackberrys and media technical support. While seraching forums for some info regarding a customers issue i came across this post and wanted to clear a few things up for you.

Firstly, the 8900 on orange does support UMA and orange tech support does support customers with UMA issues, however generic or other network models may not, this is down to the firmware version of the h/s not the software version as lellobello stated. There is no way to update the firmware on these devices.

Secondly use of UMA depends on the wi-fi router in use, back in the day the router had to support something called openISP in order to use orange UMA over anything other than orange livebox's, this has since changed and orange UMA can be used on any router that supports it (which is most of them)

As for Billing, well this is based on your standard network charge, so you basicly get billed the same way you do for mobile calls. Your bill will be no more or no less using UMA. Browseing over wi-fi is of course free as you are using your own wi-fi connection not our network.

Hope that helped.
Thanks for that, I am interested as I have both a 8320 and now a 8900.

My 8320 work every day without any issues via a BT hub. the 8900 does not and never has. Orange have told me now four different stories when I called them. One said we do not offer UMA anymore on these handsets when the latest call a helpful person told me that 50% of thier customers cannot recieve UMA but this will change shortly as their is an issue. I am, like a lot of others upset with the signal orange offer at home and need UMA to get a reception. I feel we need to be told one way or another. If it's the firmware then why if RIM say that 8900 support UMA if Orange have played around with that then Orange are to blaime, if it's Orange then they should say. I am not have a go at you, it's not your fault but as you have come on the site and Orange do no tell us, you are the only help we can get. Thanks
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