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Old 03-04-2010, 03:56 AM   #28
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I hate touchscreens. Their more of the novelty factor to me.

However, surepress is a GREAT idea. I love that about the storm. I've stated before, if all physical keyboards got destroyed in the universe, I would have no issues at all if they stuck me on the storm and surepress.

I'm very happy with my 9700. Would I need a slider BB? Never been into slider devices, I need quick and easy access to the keyboard, after all, that's why the blackberry has been that way, life on the go.

The slider touch lacking surepress is kind of disappointing, although I do feel it would satisfy a certain market. The portrait keyboard also makes sense, because blackberry has always focused on on ergonomics and ease of typing (really, are there any good landscape keyboards out there? They feel so unnatural. That screen real estate on the slider does look pretty nice though.

As for what is this phone going to be? Storm? Bold? Well, I think it should be it's own new line. The blackberry slide or something. To throw it in with the Bold?!? Maybe if they had a bold touch, which would be the bold with a touch screen (think treo-esque) I can agree with that, but to dilute the blackberry blood lines.

Each line has always meant and served a different purpose. They really need to stop throwing it all under one name.
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