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Old 03-22-2010, 12:06 PM   #15
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Jan 2008
Model: 9700
Carrier: Rogers
Posts: 709

Originally Posted by ph0enix View Post
I've used some of the newer BB models and to be honest, I prefer the scroll wheel on the 8700 over the track ball. I know that the new BB's have new features but they're not all that different from the old ones. They do the job but there is nothing revolutionary about them. The (touch screen) Storm doesn't do it for me either. I used to be a BB person and I like many others, I fought the iPhone for a while but that was just me being stubborn. There was no rational explanation for it. The iPhone takes time to get used to but once you do, it's very difficult to imagine yourself using anything else. Despite its few short comings, overall it really is the best phone out there.
I carry both because I support both.

Hands down, my 9700 trumps the iPhone 3GS for business use. I pull the iPhone out when I want to browse the internet or play games.

Oh and the trackpad is SO much nicer than the trackball - having to replace/clean those ruddy things was a pain!
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