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Old 05-04-2010, 01:04 PM   #35
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Originally Posted by jmwking View Post
I can duplicate this, but only if I exit and restart PD and then try to directly scroll. I generally never close it.

If I start and navigate away and then back, it won't happen. And per my usual method, PD starts on boot and this bug doesn't happen.

Early in the PD 6 versions, there was a virtual keyboard showing up on startup. Did this bug show up when they removed the keyboard?

My least favorite bug is when I open, view, and close a text message in PD, it automatically opens the next one. (I wonder if ever I reported that one...)

This bug showed up when I went to OS 5. I seem to recollect that it was there on a pre-PD6 verson also.
You are correct that it only shows up if you exit and start up again. With OS 5 being such a memory hog, I want to limit the programs running in the background. I am right now waiting for my Blackberry to reboot after a battery pull. Checked application memory and it was 2.8 megs!!, without PocketDay running in the background. Don't know if is my current OS 5 version or some program I installed recently which is resource hog.
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