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Old 08-25-2010, 04:57 PM   #2
Dubdub's Avatar
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If the device works as you want it to, then you really need to think about an OS upgrade.

Random reboots happen. How random? What do you do just before it occurs? Is it really that much of a bother? I had an 8800 that would reboot about every time I was passed off of a certain tower. Never did figure that one out.

IMHO, if everything else works as you want it and the boots aren't a big deal. maybe it isn't worth it, but only you can make that decision.

Since you have a Mac, you would either need to set up a Windows instance on the Mac using Bootcamp, Parallels, VMWare or similar, or find a friend to let you do it.

Check the yellow sticky at the top of the 8900 section for the latest OS for your particular model and for the instructions. Once you start, there is no turning back, so to speak. Be patient as it can take an hour or longer. And make a back up before you begin, just in case.
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