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Old 02-09-2006, 02:59 AM   #224
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Talking Tim Peru

Originally Posted by RGabo
Mark, you state: 'No BES needed! No MDS needed!'.

I'm at T-Mobile Hungary and I can't get Blackberry service just yet (neither BES nor BWC) but I can get a full-blown GPRS internet plan that works perfect on my Motorola MPX200 (Web, IM, etc).

When I set the same APN/username/password and/or WAP gateway, nothing works. Tunnel can be opened (meaning, username and password are OK) but it seems to time out and I get a 'could not connect' error message. I Tried VeriChat, WebViewer, SSH apps, no go.

How could I troubleshoot my problem and do I need to make any requests from my provider? Better asked: is there any difference how a 'normal' phone (Nokia / Motorola GPRS phones) access GPRS and how the Blackberry does?


Originally Posted by rob61280
my question is the same as RGabo,

if blackberry service is not available through a normal gprs/gsm connection, is it possible to use wap,sms, and retrieve pop email in a traditional non-blackberry way, with a blackberry?

Hello, i Have a 7290 Blackberry from Sigapur, but i live in Peru, in my country(Peru) there is not the blackberry service, but my SIM card is working OK in my Siemens CF62T, but when i want to use my SIM Card in my Blackberry, i canīt connect to the WEB; in my Siemens i have configurated the GPRS,
gateway IP:
Port: 9201
this configuratios is working OK in My Siemens CF62T, but why it dosenīt work in my blackberry? i am using WebViewer, IM+, and other smalls programas for blackberry but it seems to time out and I get a 'could not connect' error message.
I need help please, some body help me please, thanks.
sorry, my english is not good, but i hope you can understund. Thanks Very Much.
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