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Old 11-05-2011, 09:06 PM   #15
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Default Re: should i repent buying a blackberry?

Originally Posted by ifonline View Post
First, calm down. This site is run by volunteers, not RIM. We don't get paid to help, and only do so because we want to. We have no problem helping, but we won't bother dealing with people that would rather spout off nonsense then actually ask for help.

Second, let us know what happened. Specifically. Phrases such as "it stopped working" and "conked off in 2 months" do nothing to actually explain what happened. What were you doing before your phone quit working? How did your phone quit working? What did you see on the screen? Any error messages? Do you have a BlackBerry data plan (not a generic data plan)? Details are important.

Third, 9 people you know having issues does not make the situation common when considering the total population of BlackBerry users. While you may be frustrated because your phone isn't working as expected, taking the stance that the sky is falling isn't going to help.

So... care to try again?
Firstly,to express what one feels genuinely does not necessarily mean that the person is not calm.And to post one's experience and opinion is not spouting out nonsense.
you need to remember this yourself that this is a public forum staffed by volunteers and not RIM so dont be judgemental of people who voice their opinions against it for a reason.

Secondly yes the ringer and the speaker of my blackberry phone just stopped working .I understand it is an electronic device and problems can occur but what i am disillusioned about is that one can expect a certain quality standard from a company of RIM 'S stature and if there has been an error somewhere it has to be brought out and voiced.

thirdly my friend ,this is a common occurence.unless people dont experience something themselves its very easy for them to point fingers and wonder why the opposite person is reacting in a particular way.9 people in 24 hours translates into many people in many days and so on if you know how statistics work.

now i know that you wont be paid to do this but if you want, you can support me on compassionate basis when i voice my misgivings about blackberry based on my unpleasant experience.
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