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Old 03-26-2006, 10:55 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Simsbury, CT
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Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry7130e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

I'm having some huge problems with my blackberry. I've had it for a little less than three months now and I already think I need it replaced.

Here's what happened:

I went to that one thread "definitive guide to installing themes blah blah blah" and, excited to try different themes, I downloaded them all, including ones for the 7200 series. For the longest time I used the default large icons theme (made for either the 7200 or 7800, I don't remember and can't check since i'm writing this on my blackberry), and it worked relatively fine except for the fact that the calculator showed a "full keyboard" and crashed when I tried to use it. When I tried to switch back to the 7130 default theme, I clicked on it and the system just returned to the main page and showed an "illegalargumentexception" java (or was it javascript? I suppose it doesn't matter anymore) error and wouldn't Load the theme. This happened with any 71xx theme I tried to install. I tried a bunch of ways of fixing it, including erasing and reinstalling all themes, doing a hard reset, and others but nothing helped. In fact, I ended up breaking it even more somehow... For some reason (I still don't know how this happened) my javascript application disappeared, so now I can't even apply ANY themes, and i'm stuck on the very unappealing "no theme" look. I've downloaded over a dozen different themes and none of them even have the OPTION of installing (the push button menu only has the option of "close", no "activate" or "delete" or anything like that).

The problems only get worse. I work on a Mac, but my friend let me borrow his dell laptop to fix my blackberry... Only to find that when I access the application manager program, it says that my blackberry has an "invalid system" and won't allow me to add or delete, let alone even even LOOK at, my applications.

So basically, what I need is to find a way to reinstall the entire operating system on my blackberry. The catch: the install has to be OTA (can't get it from the computer if the app manager isn't working) and it has to be through a website that doesn't use javascript. I have very little faith that there is a way to make this work, but if anybody can suggest anything that would help, I would really appreciate it... Otherwise i'll need to get my blackberry replaced, in which case i'll need help figuring that out too ;)

Thank you so much for your help...
