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Old 01-23-2005, 11:56 AM   #6
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 5
Default Using ACT 6 for a contact manager

Greetings this is my first post to this forum,

I've really enjoyed reading the many, many post. It is helpful to have a place to come and see if my questions are already answered, and to find information I didn't even know I needed. :D
I've looked but either missed the answer or could not find it.

I've just recently purchased a Nextel BB 7520 and think it will become a Great tool. I've been using my palm zire to sync. with act but am glad to have all my PDA info in one place and be able to dial a contact from that source. Well, most of my PDA info. hopefully 3rd party vendors will continue working on giving us more options.

My question is this.
Does anyone know how to make the fields in the BB:

Home Phone 2
and user fields 1 - 4 show up in Act?

It would be nice to have use of these fields.

I went into the BB address book and made a "test" contact then numbered each field. None of the fields mentioned above were reflected in my act database.

Thus far my sync with ACT 6 has been great with no problems so in addressing the question about finding a database the obvious choice for me was using my existing ACT 6. The intellisync allows me to set the options and then does the rest. The new 7520 came with OS version 4 and already had the option of using ACT as a database.

Thanks for any help.
There are many twists and turns in life, the most devistating is having no hope.

However if one looks in the right place HOPE can always be found because of Grace.